Lets See Your Solar Setups


OverCamping Specialist
Updating this thread, I had kind of forgot about it, that is what happens when you get old :D

Three setups for camping:

1. The Renogy 100 watt suitcase style solar panel as seen in the first post above.
Only function is to keep the aux. battery topped off while running the National Luna Weekender 50 Twin fridge/freezer.
I have a separate plug in the rear now that goes directly to the aux. battery for the fridge.
Very happy with it, and it does what it is suppose to do.

2. The Powerfilm foldable 60 watt solar panel connected to the Brunton 7 amp charge controller.
If memory serves me right, I think it was Scott Brady who also ran one of these Bruntons in a rig he had.
Only function is to keep the starting battery topped off when camping, and the rig has not been started for several days.
This was my introduction to solar back in 2009, and back then my ARB fridge was hooked up to the starting battery via one of the two 12v receptacles in the back, and the other receptacle ran the 12v light inside of the Autohome Maggiolina Airlander roof top tent.
I will still be running the tents light from one of those sockets in the rear, so this solar panel will still serve a purpose.
By the way, that Powerfilm 60 watt panel back in 2009 was around $800 I think, solar panels have come down a lot since then.

3. The new Goal Zero Boulder 100 watt Briefcase (as they call it) solar panel sans a charge controller.
No need for one as its only purpose is to keep the new Goal Zero yeti Lithium solar generator as they call it charged up.
The Yeti has its own built in charge controller, hence why one is not needed in the Boulder.
The Yeti's primary purpose is to run a string of Goal Zero lanterns on my awning, and one for the Nemo shower/crapper tent,
It will also be used for charging back up batteries for my Fenix flashlights and headlamp, camera batteries, and my tablet.
Info on it is in this thread.

My first test with it last weekend I was not getting much wattage from the panel to the Yeti, but then the sun was covered up from the clouds.
If I had moved the panel out to the parking lot I would have gotten some more watts.
If I get some sun this weekend, I am going to run another test on it.




I am in the process of thinking through my solar build and I really like the looked of the Victron with the BT module...glad to see others are using it. Any issues with them? Any regrets?


Enfant Terrible
If you do read the above link, there was a long discussion about this controller. In my opinion, it works very well with my 100w Renogy suitcase but I will be moving up the the Grape 180w panel the group got when HD had a sale. The Blue Tooth dongle works very well and is very convenient to use. You can set the parameters you fit your battery. The blue tooth range has been surprisingly good.


I am in the process of thinking through my solar build and I really like the looked of the Victron with the BT module...glad to see others are using it. Any issues with them? Any regrets?

The biggest advantage of the Victron in my view, is the ability to easily adjust charging paramenters. For instance, I set my absorb voltage to 14.8, and my float to 13.6. This seems to work extremely well for me with plain FLA batteries. You can also set this charger to equalize batteries, which I have done once to all of mine. This can help prevent/reverse the stratification of acid concentration you can get over time in flooded batteries. For the most part, I leave the equalize function off. But if you turn it on, and set the interval at one day, just hooking up the battery will initiate a charge cycle followed by and equalization cycle.

Anyway, there are lots of right ways to do solar, and it adds significantly to your ability to stay in 1 place for several days, and have plenty of power for your needs. I'm running 2 refrigerators these days and the extra power is nice.

More Victron discussion:


The size makes that panel pretty sweet!

I love the ebay ad for that. It has "resistance to resistance" and is useful for "outdoor breeding" as well as "space stations":

-Resistance to resistance, can resist different environment, waterproof performance is

-High stability, good durability

-With Sunpower chip, can be used for car ,home, boat, motorcycle, etc.

-Suitable for car batteries, car, RV, boat, ship, aircraft, satellites, space stations, outdoor
breeding, planting, tourism, solar street lamp.


New member
I love the ebay ad for that. It has "resistance to resistance" and is useful for "outdoor breeding" as well as "space stations":

-Resistance to resistance, can resist different environment, waterproof performance is

-High stability, good durability

-With Sunpower chip, can be used for car ,home, boat, motorcycle, etc.

-Suitable for car batteries, car, RV, boat, ship, aircraft, satellites, space stations, outdoor
breeding, planting, tourism, solar street lamp.
That's a great ad; it had me at "space stations" use.

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160 watts with seasonal tilt:

Any up close pics of how you pulled off the tilt and latching of the panel? I'd greatly benefit from doing something similar to you but can't wrap my brain around the hardware involved. It'd also help me to be able to stash things underneath the panels, something I currently cannot do.

Anyway, my setup:

2 x 100w Renogy panels in series
Victron 75/15 with bluetooth module (this charge controller is amazing and the bluetooth rocks for checking stats from my chair at camp) - it only took me going through 4 junky PWMs!
~110ah SLA battery under my storage platform

I absolutely love this setup, and watching the fridge ramp up and start sucking power because someone rummaged in the fridge too long. Unless the sun is setting when this happens, the battery remains in float despite having over 5 amps pulled from it.







Our setup:

1X monocrystalline 80 Watt
2X polycrystalline 67 Watt
1x 85Ah EXIDE Deep cycle Gel battery
1x 10A MPPT Solar charger
1x 30A PWM Solar charger
1x 700 Watt Pure sine 12-220V COTEK inverter

Because, the solar system evolved after 5 years in the road, it a bit of mix-and-match but there is some rationalization ;-)

1X monocrystalline 80 Watt + 1x 30A PWM Solar charger
2X polycrystalline 67 Watt + 1x 10A MPPT Solar charger

Both individual systems charge the same battery when we are enjoying the outdoors. While driving, a VSR takes over to keep it full.

Our basic needs are a 12V IndelB fridge (42lt), a 12 V HELLA fan, 2 LED strips and a 220V power strip that charges laptop, camera, tablet & cellphone.



Looks like it! I got mine off Amazon.

Have not hooked it up yet, but so far it looks nice. I have some doubts on output, but that's the case with most of these panels.

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Any update on the panel ?

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