Lightweight Homebuilt Camper for my Tacoma

The base half done..... one more side to go.... now I know why they build this part out of plywood.... this is a lot of little pieces!
Clamping it all together on the truck to check for fit issues
The big hole on the passenger side is for a large door that will provide access to an outdoor kitchen... planning on a fold down counter with stove and sink.


Looks great.

Do some searching on the web regarding RV rebuilds. You might learn what not to do and what materials not to use. Make sure materials aren't treated with nasty chemicals which could fill the enclosed space by out-gassing. You don't want to be living in a toxic tin can.



Expedition Leader
Neoprene and other closed cell foam types are available in that thickness, and though dearer than styrofoam, have better insulation properties.

do either of these types of foam hold moisture?

and with the aluminum frame, what (if anything) is being considered to interrupt thermal bridging?
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Welding the sides to the base
It is starting to look like a camper I suppose
But I can only imagine how many more hours are needed to get it there
Squaring up the cabover area before welding
Billhilly..... yes my idea for an outdoor kitchen comes from all the Australian designs I have encountered online.... like the one you linked above....

My design will make it an indoor/outdoor kitchen.... so if needed I can cook up a quick meal inside the camper.... or if wanted... I can open a door and flip down the counter and voila

I have started on the flip out kitchen counter design.... which I have researched and pondered for a long long time, but finally came up with a very simple design. As well, the fridge will be on a drop down slide which can be pulled out the back to access from outside.... again... an idea borrowed from all the australian camper builders.

Ran out of mig wire this afternoon.... and discovered I purchased the wrong size. Ran to the welding store to exchange it but they were out of stock.... so no welding for a few days. That is ok... design work and cutting and layup take lots of time.

I am making a removable table leg like the sequoia table leg. I was going to buy one.... but seems pretty easy to make, and the company wanted extra shipping for each part..... seems a little odd. I thought of the Lagun style leg that people are using but the leverage of a table large enough for 4 people seems like a lot. So going for the simple removable leg. Hmmm.... as I type this I am thinking I could put a swing arm on the top of my lock in leg... or not.

I picked up a few things at the border the other day. Yippeee
an SMEV stove sink unit... actually bought two of them! one for outside and one for inside.
They are super light! and I wanted something narrow.... they are only 12 inches front to back! As I want to keep my interior cabinets as narrow as possible.
The smallest portapotti

and a pump and a bunch of bolts from McMaster... the VHB tape was not there yet.. or the two 6 lb propane tanks. I am going to get a pneumatic rivet tool to put in all the light angle backing on the inside corners and to install the door frames

So fun to have excuses to buy new tools too!

Ok... back to the shop
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I bought the sequoia for mine, main perk I like about it is the floor mounting plate is only 1/4" or so tall and the leg uses tabs to grab it verse all the other ones on the market that I've seen which use the tall dish thing. Should be much less obtrusive.


Are these SMEV stove sink units available in the USA?

That is a fantastic design. Talk about easy to keep clean, especially if you have a pot of pasta sauce boil over!!!

More info needed please............


metal melter
Great find on the stove. Not sure where you got it from, I found it online for $280 shipped to Calgary. I will be getting the same one when I build my camper.
It will be interesting to see how well it works. I find our current stove very slow to boil water.

Yes they are available in the US

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