Little Guy


I like these bumper stickers found on the www:

"Oh ********, it's Thor! Run! - God"


"My god carries a hammer. Your god was nailed to a cross. Any questions?"

Sorry - tried to link or insert the images but I'm not too computer saavy.


Appalachian Ridgerunner
About naming the new expedition duo....

Since your truck was designed by a German held company (at the time of it's design) and your trailer was built by Mennonites of german descent, how about a germanic legendary theme..

From the Nibelungenlied tales...

Siefried (slayer of dragons, the truck and warrior of the trails) and Brunhild (his chick, the queen of Iceland, the trailer and center of all things soft and groovy)

See how well it works: Brunhild...Hil..l..d...weller :elkgrin:


SE Expedition Society
I like these bumper stickers found on the www:

"Oh ********, it's Thor! Run! - God"


"My god carries a hammer. Your god was nailed to a cross. Any questions?"

Sorry - tried to link or insert the images but I'm not too computer saavy.
Funny stuff ---- but that will get me killed alot in the rural south...

About naming the new expedition duo....

Since your truck was designed by a German held company (at the time of it's design) and your trailer was built by Mennonites of german descent, how about a germanic legendary theme..

From the Nibelungenlied tales...

Siefried (slayer of dragons, the truck and warrior of the trails) and Brunhild (his chick, the queen of Iceland, the trailer and center of all things soft and groovy)

See how well it works: Brunhild...Hil..l..d...weller :elkgrin:
You really had your wheels turning on that one, Mark.
Thor was also a god to the peoples of Germania. Quite a popular fellow.


Appalachian Ridgerunner
Thor was also a god to the peoples of Germania. Quite a popular fellow.

And the tales of Siefried was the Germanic version of the old Norse tales of Sigurd and his girl Brynhildr. The orginial Norse version is a bit more on the bloody/treacherous side. Ah the Norse...

Now enough classic literature and back to that ExPo type talk...:ylsmoke:


SE Expedition Society
Did you ever hear back from Little Guy trailers about all the problems and items that were incorrect?
Nope; gotta call him tomorrow.

If he isn't sending my tent, he's gotta send me a check; I'll get an Oztent...

I wanted to talk to you, Chris.
Do you know any good state park camping off of 40 westbound? When we do our roadtrip, I'd like to pop off the interstate and camp --- but I don't want to go to the dreaded Jellystones or KOAs...
You remember the Mother Ship when we camped in Jellystone?


SE Expedition Society
In use this weekend:




SE Expedition Society
Found out last weekend that the brakes don't work on the trailer. Chris will pay to have it diagnosed; have a call pending at Execuhitch in Roswell.

And the decals arrived. Thanks to the real Thor at Viking Winch Lines for the sticker and Martyn for the AT sticker.

They need names.

Mirtes suggested "Thor" for the truck, like the Norse god. Which would make the trailer "Mjöllnir", Thor's hammer.




Have you actually talked to Chris yet about all the problems? I know you said he was out of town for a while. What is Chris's response to all the issues? Now the brakes? I spent a whole day figuring out how to adjust them (Little Guy rough rider), but thats probaby because it was my first time messing with trailer brakes.:sombrero:


SE Expedition Society
Chris got back to me about the brakes and said to bring the trailer to Execuhitch; I called there and Ben is out of town until Monday. They're supposed to get back to me today to schedule an appointment.

I'm not dwelling on Little Guy's failures in the build. I pulled their badging off and just won't advertise, promote, or encourage anyone to have them do a custom build. They could've done much much better --- and I can only hope they realize that.
Just as long as they honor the warranty on the important things.


SE Expedition Society
Chris got back to me about the brakes and said to bring the trailer to Execuhitch; I called there and Ben is out of town until Monday. They're supposed to get back to me today to schedule an appointment.
I dropped the trailer at Execuhitch in Roswell at lunch and just got a call from Ben.
The one brake was hooked up; the other's wire was too short and had pulled free "during articulation".
Neither was working though and the only articulation that the trailer has seen was running around on the little hills behind my house when I took the pictures in this thread. The rest of the use has been total street.

Ben says they're as good as they're going to get.

I'd love to have my money back at this point and start over. It's just a sour feeling.

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