"Lola" - WreckDiver1321's 2005 Frontier CC/SB Nismo Build and Adventure Thread


I also found another possible rear swing out bumper plan! :D

EDIT: Pretty certain that I just figured out where I'm going for my rear bumper.

I really, really like the design of this one! The base looks similar to the Shrock, while the swingout design is similar to the Kaymar. Plus, it's got a Hi-Lift carrier! This bumper is built by Hefty Fabworks, who is known for their awesome quality and top quality customer service. Yes, the wait would be long because they don't keep them in stock, but the wait times are better than Shrock, and about the same time it'd take for me to get a Kaymar (12-15 weeks).

And, at $1200-$1400, the price is GREAT!

That is a gorgeous rear bumper. If I still had my truck I would definitely get this. I had a KMA bumper on mine.


Great idea! I saw this over in the other thread then stumbled my way onto this thread!

I decided to see where I could pick some of these clips up, low and behold there is a store below my work that had then for $4.99!! So I bought two and will be doing this mod tonight for sure!

Thanks for the Idea!

Thanks for liking it so much haha!

Nice score! My local backpacking shop has them for $5.50. It's a really easy job, and it's so much nicer than the stupid Velcro closures they put on them. I got four and switched all the Velcro strap closures to these clips, so I'm out a grand total of $22. Another plus is you can buy a few extra to keep as spares in case one breaks.

That is a gorgeous rear bumper. If I still had my truck I would definitely get this. I had a KMA bumper on mine.

I agree, I think it looks awesome.


New tires

Can anyone tell me the difference?

mortonm and Allof75 don't count, since they follow me on Instagram :)





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Tires ... question is, did you go fully for the 285s ... ;)

No sir, stuck to 265/75s. There is no way I would have tried to stuff 285s under there on stock suspension. These 265s already rub on the mud flap when you turn. Those are coming off soon.

I think it looks awesome. Now it needs the suspension :D


I agree, looks great ... so question for you, since you mentioned rubbing, do the Frontiers not fit 285s on stock wheels? For us Xterra guys, all it takes is a bit of massaging on the rear of the fender liner, with a heat gun, and Bob's your uncle. Unless you're running something that effectively decreases wheel offset (spacers or aftermarket wheels with significant negative offset) ... then you have to start worrying about trimming. I always assumed you'd be in the same boat.


I agree, looks great ... so question for you, since you mentioned rubbing, do the Frontiers not fit 285s on stock wheels? For us Xterra guys, all it takes is a bit of massaging on the rear of the fender liner, with a heat gun, and Bob's your uncle. Unless you're running something that effectively decreases wheel offset (spacers or aftermarket wheels with significant negative offset) ... then you have to start worrying about trimming. I always assumed you'd be in the same boat.

I feel confident that it would fit 285s on it if I removed the mud flaps and did the melt mod. The only place the 265s are rubbing is on the mud flap itself. There's much more clearance if you ditch them.


So, I was looking at my truck, in the driveway, with it's new shoes on. Couldn't help myself. I grabbed the floor jack and the Hi-Lift and had a peek at how it will look once the suspension is under it. :D

Pre lift:

Post lift:

Pre lift:

Post lift:



It looks seriously proper now

Like it means business :)

I decided to do the tires now because I can turn around and sell the old tires for a nice profit. Helps take the edge off the bill for the new ones. Which wasn't that bad actually. Right along the lines of what it would have cost me to order them online.


Expedition Leader
Like it means business :)

I decided to do the tires now because I can turn around and sell the old tries for a nice profit.

Preaching to choir here trying to justify upgrades :sombrero:

Tires still look great even with the "lift" it was the right choice!


Preaching to choir here trying to justify upgrades :sombrero:

Tires still look great even with the "lift" it was the right choice!

Haha I know I don't need to justify myself to you guys. :D You're all just as bad!

I'm really happy with the way it looks with that extra lift. I think it looks just right. Oh, and my justification to stick with 265s? I got on the interstate to drive home today and I got... 19.5 mpg. I have lost 1 mpg. I am a happy man :)


Haha I know I don't need to justify myself to you guys. :D You're all just as bad!

I'm really happy with the way it looks with that extra lift. I think it looks just right. Oh, and my justification to stick with 265s? I got on the interstate to drive home today and I got... 19.5 mpg. I have lost 1 mpg. I am a happy man :)

I think it looks stellar. Perfect amount of lift.. For now.. Eventually you will want armor and a Titan Swap or SAS! I know I kinda do...


I think it looks stellar. Perfect amount of lift.. For now.. Eventually you will want armor and a Titan Swap or SAS! I know I kinda do...

Haha uhhhh... no. For what I do, that kind of suspension overhaul is totally unnecessary. With a mild suspension upgrade, it'll do everything I want it to. Also, I really don't like the way the midsize Nissans look with the Titan swap. They sit too wide and kind of look like a road hog. Not my thing. :)

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