LTT-MCC Marine Corps Chassis Overland Trailer Build


Trailer is looking great. The box on the rear is awesome. Great use of the septor can holders. I have those too and they work great.
What mud flaps are those? or did you custom make them?


Henry S Estes
So for the inside I decided to go with cots until a later date if/when I decide to build out a bed/storage. I wanted some that maximized space, and came across these Disc-O-Bed Cam-O-Bunk Cots, along with a Disc-O-Bed Cabinet for storage, and a $20 carpet from Walmart..... Lucky for me my wife is small, so she can get on the top bunk with no issues :)

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Henry S Estes
One of the last major mods that I wanted to accomplish was to add a front porch/deck and ladder to gain entry/exit...

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New member
I've got an idea for the front windows, in terms of protection from stray rocks. Look into a product called "clear bra". People swear by it on $100k+ vehicles. Won't help if you sling a 3lb rock towards it, but should do the trick for road debris and such. Shouldn't be able to tell that it is there from the outside and won't affect your window tint on the inside.

I would also look at using ceramic window tint to help keep even more heat out. I imagine that it will be an oven in there with high temps outside.


Quick question. Did you end up tapering the box at the rear to fit the canopy or was your canopy model more square?? One pic I see a bit of underhang but the others I dont see it.

My perfect square box wouldnt fit the canopy well.

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Henry S Estes
No, it's square, but you are correct. The topper is narrower at the rear (barn door end) than the front. I will try to get a close up pic, but they don't exactly match perfectly at that end.

Quick question. Did you end up tapering the box at the rear to fit the canopy or was your canopy model more square?? One pic I see a bit of underhang but the others I dont see it.

My perfect square box wouldnt fit the canopy well.

Sent from my SM-G900W8 using Tapatalk


Henry S Estes
So a few updates since we have been able to use the trailer a few times. The double stack "bunkbed" cots had to go. They limited movement and were not that comfortable. I built a wooden deck which was the size of a full size bed. We then purchased a 4" foam mattress topper. With the deck in, you still have about two feet of free space in the front area for gear, dressing, etc.... and probably even more storage space than before utilizing all the space under the deck.

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