Make Tacos Not War...FJ45 Wanderings in Mexico.


El Gringo Spectacular!
I'm a firm believer that every expedition has to have a purpose; a "theme" which guides the route and provides a bit of a goal, and I'm too type a-retentive to not at least try to plan for all contingencies. Contrary to my beliefs, this little trip came together a week prior to departure. The final theme came to us at the end; so much for preplanning!

Initially a motorcycle trip, my 1150 GS Adventure was prepped and brought up to spec. New battery, fork seals, oil change, etc. Then my riding partner had a nagging back injury...not good to try and throw around a 600+ pound motorcycle off road....

So...the decision was made...the trip to Mexico would be done in the newly acquired 1983 FJ45 Troop Carrier! :safari-rig:

Now, I really didn't have time to fully prep the rig and get what I would consider adequate spares for the old girl, so with a wing and a prayer we changed fluids, bled the drum brakes, scavenged some points, condensor, radiator/fuel/heater hoses....and stocked the tool kit with JB Weld and bailing wire. It's a Toyota right? It'll hold together, and if it doesn't, since the non-US model consists of 1975 technology...we'd be able to cobble it together if necessary!

Add to this the fact that I'd not driven the Troopy for any distance other than a 200 mile trip to Prescott, AZ and back from Flagstaff to pick up the tires from ExpeditionsWest...what the heck...let's drive 2000 miles through some of the most remote areas of Mexico and Copper Canyon...what could go wrong?


Packed and ready to go! The Engel is all you really need for Mexico!


High lift lubed and bolted to the front bumper; along with the essential fridge accessory on the bullbar...



Plus...we had the Spirit of Steve Irwin with us! Crikey!


The old school adventure begins! More to come!

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Scott Brady

So awesome, so purely awesome!:bowdown:

It is just what ExPo needs right now too. All of the natives have major cabin fever as reflected in the recent threads here. All we need is a little adventure in an old FJ45 from Australia to keep us distracted :)


ExPo Original
Steve Irwin? I thought it was a Chris Marzonie action figure...

Not so patiently awaiting more....:lurk:


Expedition Leader
BAH!!! Damn work server blocks the pics!!!! The write up is great, bnut I want some visual stimuli to go along with it... Just might have to K-proxy this one ;)



Edit: Kproxy to the rescue... Lookin good... lookin REAL good...
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Central Scrutinizer
This wallows in the shallow end of the Sea of Lameness.....Subscribing nonetheless.

Welcome back. I'll have to get you the pics of that BioD 100 from Japan that was in town while you were out adventurizing.


We're going through the "Oh my god I don't have enough time to get everything done" issues before our trip to South America this summer.

Thanks for keeping the perspective! Raenelle has dubbed me the HITTAG guy, (Hop-In-The-Truck-And-Go) but sometimes it seems like a bit much.

I'm now back to my carefree, irresponsible, just get on with it and go self!

Looking forward to reading more.

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