Sleeps In Jeeps said:
Amazing, simply breathe taking.
Is there anyway a N00b overlander could get way points or cords. for the trip you plan to take with your family?
I plan on the exact same thing with my new wife and son and we would love to either join you and yours or do an identical trip.
Thanks for the inspiration!
I'd be happy to pull together what I've got. I'm trying to get better at the documenting portion of these trips. I've found it pretty tough to make myself really sit down at the end of each day and do the "paperwork" on a trip...especially when there's a cold cerveza and fresh tacos as an alternative!
Quite a few basemaps of Mexico are pretty poor for GPS coordinates. I use them to give me a general...and I mean general, sense of where I'm going. Most of the times the best directions are found by asking at local farms and small towns which way to go...heck...that's how we found our way from Alamos to El Fuerte on this trip.
Road conditions change frequently in these areas, and security is something that you'll want to be aware of...although not a reason to avoid the area...more information is always better.
As for family trips, I'm starting slowly with the kiddo, just so she gets used to the whole tent/camping thing...but will definitely post up an invite for others when it's planned!