Where I'm at.
Have still got two tiny leaks on one side so have drilled out a few rivets and will try to heat and separate the panel from the frame and shove in more sealant. I'm hoping that the heat will soften it enough to get a gap for the mastic gun. I've temporarily removed the lid, scraped off the ice and snow, and put it in the garage which is integral to the house so will be warm and dry and will help to get it ready for mastic insertion.
I also intend sticking closed cell foam on the inside face of the lid's sides with a 1/4 inch overlap (ie the inside dimension of the side is 4 inches so the foam will be 4 1/4") and the 1/4" will form the seal against the lower fixed portion of the joint. The closed cell foam will prevent condensation and generally improve insulation (see below).
As you can see the weather has turned somewhat inclement. We had 70mph gusts yesterday and horizontal snow. Bit worse further west though, with gusts to 130mph.
Have not sealed the lower section of the new roof yet so I don't really need the tarpaulin on the roof, but its just to stop it filling with snow should we have a dump, and have it freezing inside. I can more easily pull the tarp off with some snow in it than try to scrape out an icy mess that's stuck to the original roof.
When I started this I was getting sunburned with the glare off the alloy, today my hands were sticking to the metal.
The joys of the driveway workshop!