Memorial Day Weekend in the UP


Perpetual Transient
I always love reading about and seeing pics. of your trips. I'm hoping to make it up there this summer for a little fun on the ORV routes and some fly fishing.

Thanks so much! I love doing the trips no doubt, but sharing them is fun too so its my pleasure.


Perpetual Transient
I don't compete anymore. Its just way too much $$$ now. Patrick is a very good driver. I rolled my WRX at LSPR the last time there (2005) but we contunied on. Crazy stuff. Seeing these pictures really makes me want to get back to the UP. I went to college in Midland.

I took a bunch of pictures 2005. Wasn't that the year Richard did the "monster jump" on Brockway that I was referring to or was that 2004? Anyway, I probably have some shots of you somewhere in my collection. That's awesome. I had been working on a plan to get into the sport in G2 but have decided to put it on hold a bit longer till I can have more funds for the big show. haha Amazing how fast the money goes when you start budgeting out all the stuff it takes to setup, maintain, and campaign a car, even at the club level. Yikes!


Perpetual Transient
Great story man... your like cupid. Who couldn't dig Meredith with that perfect smile. Pics and write up is a good one man. Always like seeing your 80.

Thanks man! Yeah Meredith is a special gal, but so is Shaun, they were really perfect for each other. And damn, the three of us together make for some goofy MMM times. Just what I needed.


Expedition Leader
The other big goal of this trip was one of a romantic nature. I have been hatching this plan since last November to try to set Shaun and my friend Meredith up. She just graduated med school and is moving to Rochester in couple of weeks (where Shuan hails from) for residency and it just seemed too perfect. They are both big kayakers, Shuan a former paddler for Riot and Meredith a whitewater guide in Alaska. I had this feeling that they would dig each other. Boy was that an understatement! It went so damn well that I think I'm going to start an overland romantic tours company! haha :D

Where do I sign up? :coffeedrink: I'm still looking for the right one.

Great story. Love the photos.


Expedition Leader
Nice, great pics man...Gotta love a good Paddle and ride, and good on ya for setting your mate up, that's a cool kind of blid date eh.




Perpetual Transient
Thanks Dave!

After reading the latest definitions of expeditions versus adventures, I think this might fall into the expedition category. See, it contains both a mission of a higher purpose as well as a form of humanitarian mission. I might have to have this moved to a new subforum. :D


Thornton Melon's Kid
I don't compete anymore. Its just way too much $$$ now. Patrick is a very good driver. I rolled my WRX at LSPR the last time there (2005) but we contunied on. Crazy stuff. Seeing these pictures really makes me want to get back to the UP. I went to college in Midland.

You must be a member of NASIOC too. I sold my WRX @ 3 years ago but still go there occasionally.

I live in the town nextdoor to Northwoods, Bay City.

I thought it was like '03 Pat Richards did that. I had a video on my PC of it for the longest time.

Barnes & Noble have them too. They usually carry quite a few states.


Perpetual Transient
You must be a member of NASIOC too. I sold my WRX @ 3 years ago but still go there occasionally.

I live in the town nextdoor to Northwoods, Bay City.

I thought it was like '03 Pat Richards did that. I had a video on my PC of it for the longest time.

Barnes & Noble have them too. They usually carry quite a few states.

Maybe it was '03, man time flies! It doesn't feel that long ago.

Here's the footage of it....


I learned a lot from the suby sites. There is actually a rally going on now at wellsboro PA. MY daughter and I are watching dirty jobs right now and he is going to help paint the Mackinac bridge. The last part he walks up the cable to change a light bulb. What a view. Once again, great pictures. Thanks for bringing my driving bug from hibernation.


Perpetual Transient
great pics and story. love the yak sideways on the roof rack.

Yeah, well that was the only way to make it all fit. Suprisingly the boats didn't budge they were so solid on there. Not the most aerodynamic setup ever but it got the job done! :victory:

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