MG Metalworks Van Build


Expedition Leader
All it really takes is a few interactions with you to know that you'd accomplish this. Congrats!

I stand by the quote I sent you, "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison


"Everything is impossible until somebodies done it" Well done MG!! Your tenacity and perseverance is an amazing quality in this day and age of instant gratification!!!


Something that may not be apparent to many folks is that I've had no less than a dozen "experts" tell me that this wasn't possible. Diesel mechanics, engine tuners, engineers, an owner of a diesel conversion company, a Cummins executive and a few internet know-it-alls.... all of them told me I was nuts and wasting my money on that electronic mess.

This is one of the, if not the, first 4th Gen 6.7Ls with the CM2350B controller to run standalone with NO TIPM, NO SKIM, NO Sentry Key.... The Chrysler harness has been stripped down to the bare minimum of wires. None of the extra stuff from the truck was needed.

Thanks to all who have followed along for such a long period of time. It's all downhill from here! The rest of this should be a piece of cake (well...I haven't gotten into the Allison electronics much yet. How hard could it be? haha). :)

Funny! I can't imagine anyone following this thread ever considered you wouldn't make this happen. (You should have known my Grandfather; different generation, same methodical mind and skills!)


I've been lurking through this whole thread. I never thought it wouldn't happen. Congrats!!

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I love it! Congratulations on conquering it. One of our families' favorite sayings is "Don't tell me I can't do something. I will bust hell wide open, trying."


I'm just gonna leave this right here...

MG, Way to go! Sounds as good as it looks. Now, it sounds like a few "experts" owe me 20 pesos after that start-up! :sombrero: Now that you solved that crazy puzzle in record time, I don't think the Allison will give you too much trouble at all! Will you be using a tuning company to optimize/live tune your van when done, or will you be doing that yourself as well? I can,t wait to see what that Cummins looks like with hood open.

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