Be sure to have a HD rivet gun and not a hand "squeeze" type . I squared mine to the top of the roof frame.
Thanks for that. Did you use any goop?
Be sure to have a HD rivet gun and not a hand "squeeze" type . I squared mine to the top of the roof frame.
Thanks for that. Did you use any goop?
Beauty. How is it mounted? Could you have mounted it back another 6” or so and kept the top of the bumper available for a prep surface too?
As you can see the fender would not make a good table.
Does it come with a template for locating the holes?Be sure to have a HD rivet gun and not a hand "squeeze" type . I squared mine to the top of the roof frame. Dorman 743-100 Rivet Gun: Automotive
Buy Dorman 743-100 Rivet Gun: Riveters - ✓ FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible
I ordered a Lifetyle Table.
Looks like Mark went to a different marker light, mine are tiny:
View attachment 580097
So I'll have to see where I want to mount the Lifestyle Table. My Lady likes to work standing, so maybe I'll try and get the height just right for her.
I also have a spare Lagun table mount, which I intend to mount somewhere behind the fender, so I can use the table outside.
Thoughts on reasons to choose spots are appreciated!
Carbon60, what is that aluminum mount above and behind the fender in the pic?
Does it come with a template for locating the holes?
Did you Locktite on those acorn nuts?Tackling the simple but annoying project of replacing the 16 fasteners in the drawer slides, which are ¼” by 1” and stick out into the useful storage space. ½” fasteners with acorn nuts on them will make the space far more useable:
As my Avatar suggests, I am a ham radio operator.
Hi Adam! Never say never. I am helping a young friend get his Tech license for overlanding purposes 2m & 70cm, just like you.. He is suddenly showing interest in HF too, especially CW! So I'm loaning him the equipment to get on board VHF, UHF, and HF.While I am licensed (VA3SHR), I've never done any HF and I use my privileges for off-roading and SAR on 2m and 70cm only.
In order to get it straight it sounds like a two person job.According to the instructions, you use the frame itself to locate the holes: