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The pop top on the Delica we have is a god send. I have yet to see one on an L400 that can fit two adults up top.
I certainly wasn't trying to take away from your vehicle or imply anything negative. The extra short wheel base should be a great benefit on the tight offroad stuff and the having the poptop for sleeping is a huge space saving.
I've never even seen one of the next generation with a camping roof and as we both said the new ones are very narrow across the roof. Personally I would prefer the engine out the front both from an access point of view and also maybe a little extra safety but having the engine weight so far forward may create other issues.
One more thing. This happened with my Mitsubishi 2.5 TD and also a couple of others I know of in Mitsubishi forums. The front crankshaft pulley bolt came loose at about 200,000 k's. I caught mine in time before any damage was done and made double, double sure it wasn't going to happen again. However my friend wasn't so lucky with his, which came loose at around the same mileage. When his came loose the pulley flogged out the end of the crankshaft which then had to be removed for repair or replacement. Can't remember exactly but I know it ended up turning into a major rebuild that could have been avoided by a little extra care the last time the cam belt was replaced. And some one else I heard of in a forum in the UK, just replaced the motor which was a cheaper option when the same thing happened to them.
Don't want to sound like a prophet of doom cause overall they should ultra reliable. Just a friendly little tip / warning to check this and then double check at the next cambelt change.
The only other issue I had was from using quality brand, but never the less, non genuine exhaust manifold gaskets. The engine would just keep spitting them out one after the other. The manifold was true but it wasn't till I replaced with a genuine gasket that I had no more dramas.
BTW Is your intercooled?
Hope this is all some help to you one day.
Regards John.