Yulli the Yeti
Those of you familiar with off-road TD's do you think I'll have any issues pulling So-Cal's 510 XS with my 2013 Jeep JKUR auto. The wife and just today spent 2hrs with Ted at So-Cal and fell in love the 510 XS but by the time I started adding up all the goodies we would like to have I started worrying about the power of the JK to pull it. This mode of travel is new to us as we are coming from motorcycle and airplane camping and that means tent on the ground. I'm to old and to many broken bones to be sleeping on the ground. But still have the need to explore. Any and all information is welcome.
I had a JKUR on 35s and regeared. I sold it before I towed my TD but the new truck does well. I think the newer jeep engine will be a lot better than what I had cuz I had an 08.
The Socal is a little lighter than the Moby so I think you'll be fine. Maybe research with the Jeep subforum. I know there's been plenty of talk about it. do some quick searches before you have any more questions before the nazis get after you. But it never hurts to ask again.