Well well, just stumbled upon this fancy little item looking for a few cast iron goodies. I must say i am rather impressed and it cleans up so much nicer then cast iron does. Well my cast iron never seems to come clean after use no matter what. Sigh, my mom's used to be spotless and smooth mine just doesn't seem to want to com clean, unless I take out the scrubber and soap

, which just ruins them.
Anyways, I may have to make a road trip down south here in a few weeks to pick one of these puppies up. I love cooking on hot plates, something I picked up from the South africans/Aussies I worked with over in Africa, man they would cooked up some mean meals when I was there, and we just used a sheet of metal we found in the jungle we cleaned up. Worked the treat, I think it was from an old car if I remember correctly.
Out of curiosity how much for shipping to British Columbia? I am guessing it would be through the roof given the size/weight of these.
Keep up the good work and you can probably expect an order or a visit from me sometime this summer.