Lovely product but;
Honestly thats not a British Breakfast...!!!!!
Toast - No right minded Englishman would use something that resembles a french loaf ! it should be granery or bloomer loaf preferably with Hovis written on the side
Normally it would be fried toast done in the fat of the bacon or sausage
Bacon - Good god man that thin tastless manufactured streaked piece of fat as it has no right to be described as bacon ! It should be thick and meaty with just a touch of fat or rind--
Potato - suppose you think Idaho is in the UK too--- a UK breakfast does not ever contain hash London you might get a few proper chips.... ------you may just get some sliced fried potato further north .... but never ever shredded
Tomato- halved not sliced
Sausages- Your's must have been precooked and not real sausages with actual meat in them, as they would have needed to go on first !
This image is of sausages, they are made of meat with the odd spice chilli stilton or leak added, I have no idea what those things were you cooked !
Mushrooms - Check
Beans - Check
Eggs- fried squashed runny and asimilar in shape or scrambled, as they come, we don't like our food looking like it came from a packet or mc Donalds
Where's the black or liver sausage !
And meanwhile back to the thread !