I think you lack understanding of what locking hubs do. You can lock them, or unlock them, whenever you want. Your precious auto locking hubs are dependent upon a (in some Jeeps) a vacuum operated center axle disconnect (weak) or a spring to keep engagement teeth apart (wears eventually). Manual hubs, you get to the trail, lock them up, and start driving. When you are done, you unlock them and drive off. And yes, if you are wheeling you will probably get out to check out some obstacles before you attempt them so you could probably lock them there too. Another advantage of manual hubs is unlocking one, or both, to eliminate driveline bind. Something that cannot easily be done, if at all, with autolocking hubs as it requires reversing to unlock, and then shifting to relock. Another advantage is 2wd low. Leave the hubs unlocked, shift into low range and go. Again, to avoid bind if you really do not need 4wd, which you will not in many places. Try that with autolocking hubs. Since most autolocking hubs unlock when you reverse, what happens if you are in the mud and need to rock it by backing up a few feet?
It is a stupid argument to talk about the inconvenience of getting out of the truck which might get your boots dirty. If you are afraid of getting dirty, you should probably do something else.
Forgive me for asking this noob question. If I upgrade the suspension on a Jeep - for instance, if I installed an AEV 2.5" lift - will that affect my allowed payload? If not, then what COULD I do (if anything) to increase the payload?
I skimmed through this whole thread and find it mildly entertaining at best.:lurk:
Forgive me for asking this noob question. If I upgrade the suspension on a Jeep - for instance, if I installed an AEV 2.5" lift - will that affect my allowed payload? If not, then what COULD I do (if anything) to increase the payload?
No problem
Are there any benifits to go out of the vehicle to lock them in the sand, mud, water, snow instead of having auto hubs besides maybe see some nice girls when You go out:ylsmoke:
I would not take anything bought new in North America...
Airbags, traction control, ECU, automagic 8 speeds, electronic everything...etc...
Personally, give me 1 ton axles, gear driven transfercase with a lever to kick it in and out not a computer, standard, simple mechanical injected diesel, electric nothing....KISS
Manual hubs lock the axle with minimum parts... Auto hubs are in reverse when stuck and axle disconnects like to freeze up....
I can by a motorcycle but I have to airbags and traction control... and new diesels that suck...
Brand loyalty makes not sense...
Intresting Question