MPV Build: 2000 7.3 PSD E350 w/ UJOR


Hello Expo,

Like some, I have been roaming these threads for a few years now and loved the various ideas and platforms of the multi-purpose vehicles and expedition vehicles…very inspiring, Thank You Expo. I always wanted to own an RV for family vacations and road trips but some things you can only dream about. Considering I own a cargo van for my business, I wanted to extend the vans usage and be able to travel with the family or friends and go ANYWHERE. Yep, that meant I needed to have 4x4 capability and a nice yet simple interior that was effective for myself and/or the family while out on and off road. Im from Chicago so this vehicle would be the PERFECT to getaway from the city life. Soooo, after saving my pennies for an axle, transfer case, and a UJOR kit, I have finally started my build. The plan is to do the conversion in stages as I hope to be 4x4 by winter of this year or as early as money allows lol. I love this part of the conversion because it allows me to work at my own pace and do it myself while learning alot! I wrench a bit on my own vehicles, usually maintenance items but I have never done anything like this nor of this magnitude....However a few DIY threads on here (Vandiana Jones, Vandetta, The UTE II, Fred the van...etc etc) have giving me the key info and courage to set owt and complete this task. Any advise or tips are more than welcome.

Here is my base vehicle: 2000 E350 7.3 RB.

2014-08-06 07.39.23.jpg

Quick Story: Found her on craigslist about 3 years ago in Arkansas. Talked to the owner on the phone a few times and he sent some pics and a few days later I drove to STL to meet him, see the van, and purchase if I liked it. It was clean with minimal surface rust on the frame and body. I has an E250 gasser that was stolen (and its v6 motor also drank alot of gas) so this was the replacement...a diesel version. First diesel that i owned but I have some limited experience with them as my father owned a few. She ran good and was solid on the highway but boy was she LOUD :Wow1: However, that diesel clatter was something I would grow to love in the future. My wife, not so much lol.

Anyway, after emailing Chris at UJOR a bunch of times with questions and being torn btwn 4" or 6" lift, I finally placed my order to get the D60 axle under the van with his 6" UJOR kit (Stage 1 of my build). Got the spring hangers in so it was time to drill....drill…drill. Glad I got that out of the way first. Wasn't as bad as I was thinking it would be… wrists were pretty sore afterwards.

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Here is the front Dana 60 axle when I got it… Came from an '03 f250 and had 4.10 gears. :victory:

2014-08-01 14.27.00.jpg

Next step was to finish up refreshing my D60. Here are some pics from the disassembly…..

2014-10-16 11.06.40.jpg

Rotors, calipers and unit bearings out….

2014-10-16 11.05.30.jpg

Half-shafts and knuckles out…..

2014-12-03 16.54.35.jpg

And here is how it sat yesterday morning before I started cleaning it up..

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I got the diff fluid drained and opened up the cover to pull the carrier and knock out the old and stubborn inner axles seals.

2015-04-22 14.48.42.jpg

Of course I didn't have the right tool to do this so I improvised……

2015-06-12 18.39.38.jpg

The inside of the axles tubes were pretty nasty so I figured i would clean them up a bit…..used a a wire wheel, few drill extensions and hole saw chuck (thanks SHAFT)
The dust was extreme so I had a shop vac at the end of the tube to control the dust. No before pics but they came out pretty clean after. I also installed the inner axle seals.





Still need to get the carrier back in but shaved the stock steering stabilizer mount and started wire wheeling the D60…



Ran out of wire wheel and energy so I stopped there. More to come soon….
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Der Chef der Fahrzeuge
Awesome, dual duty, congrats! You're definitely going the right direction with your choices. Excited to see this come together.


Small update: I had access to a hydraulic press and was able to get the old ball joints out and the new ones in. Very straight forward task if you have the right size pipe and fixturing. Didn't get any photos of the removal or setup but here are the knuckles with new ball joints


I attempted to use the same press to remove the ujoints in the half-shafts and I was successful with one of the half shafts but the other…not so much. Found a driveline shop near me that had a "ujoint specific" press to complete the job for a small fee. I gave them the knuckle/wheel seals and ujoints and within 2 hours I got a call saying they were ready. Quick and quality job and they even cleaned and painted them for me. :clapping:

Half-shaft w/ old ujoint

Half-shafts with new joints and seals

I didn't have the dust seals at the time I took the parts in the shop but I think I should be able to tap/press them on there myself.
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Getting closer to lift off! Progress has been slow as my weekends have been pretty busy with working events but a few late nights out in the garage after work have paid off.

My springs and wheels finally came in!



I proceeded to por15 the Dana60 as my wife primed & rattled canned some more axle & UJOR related parts. Thought it was pretty awesome for her to come help considering my time for projects is pretty scarce!





I had an issue with the drivers side not spinning as freely as the passengers side and couldnt figure out why but something wasnt right. Seems when I had the unit bearing loose on the drivers side and the locking hub in, everything rotated nice until I snugged up the unit bearing. Took that side apart and pulled the axle and put it all back together and no more issues. Im not sure but maybe the knuckle seal wasnt seated in the knuckle properly. Who know but all is well now!


I have to figure out a solution for the passenger side abs wire. Its too close to the rotor. Any ideas?

Hopefully phase 1 of this build (lift and axle installed) will be completed by the beginning of next month provided my buddy's time and space will be available as planned. :D

devo 1

Love the wheels and tires, man!
I ground just a little of the corner of the arm and it lays in good.


Drilling and tapping the passenger side knuckle to retain the ABS wire with a Mounting Head Zip Tie or P Clamp seems to be the way to keep that ABS wire safe

Edit: ^Devo1's method seems to be working for him too


Love the wheels and tires, man!
I ground just a little of the corner of the arm and it lays in good.

Thanks Devo! I didn't even think to grind a small channel in the arm. It's made so well lol. I think I'll go this route.

Drilling and tapping the passenger side knuckle to retain the ABS wire with a Mounting Head Zip Tie or P Clamp seems to be the way to keep that ABS wire safe

Edit: ^Devo1's method seems to be working for him too

Thanks for the insight. Space is pretty tight in there.
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New member
Man, coming along nice !!! My broken hand just bot healed ! haha Should b starting my Stage 1 process SOON !!! I'm sure i'll b hitting u up w/ some questions if u don't mind ?? Keep us posted on build. I'm walking in ur foot steps.... LOL

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