I always like stopping here and looking at your ride. Keep up the great work.
Thanks for the suggestions guys. I guess I'll be leaving the skidplate on and bringing the hilift too if no one else in the group does. Without it I think I'll probably have trouble changing a flat tire with the 32"+lift, I haven't tried.
Swaybars...the only concern I have is hwy 12 but what's the rush? slow down and enjoy the scenery I guess
xplorx4, yeah the gf decided she doesn't want to deal with setup/teardown of the camp each night, this is where RTT could come in handy, so we'll bestaying in a motel during our stay...which reminds me I need to make a reservation...doh! So while I'm not excited about the no-camping deal, at least it allows me to travel lighter.
Thanks for the suggestions guys. I guess I'll be leaving the skidplate on and bringing the hilift too if no one else in the group does. Without it I think I'll probably have trouble changing a flat tire with the 32"+lift, I haven't tried.
Swaybars...the only concern I have is hwy 12 but what's the rush? slow down and enjoy the scenery I guess
xplorx4, yeah the gf decided she doesn't want to deal with setup/teardown of the camp each night, this is where RTT could come in handy, so we'll bestaying in a motel during our stay...which reminds me I need to make a reservation...doh! So while I'm not excited about the no-camping deal, at least it allows me to travel lighter.
May be a stupid question, but out of curiosity, what does it take to remove/unhook the swaybar?
Hwy 12 isn't a high-speed road (~55-65mph max) and the scenery is spectacular indeed. GSENM is supremely beautiful. The road has a few mildly curvy parts, but if you've gotten used to how your truck handles without the sway bars, don't sweat it.
I'm not sure if your driving itinerary allows for this, but you might want to consider driving through Capitol Reef NP via the Burr Trail from Escalante instead of taking Hwy 12. You'll be driving on a wide graded dirt road once you get into Capitol Reef, but it's absolutely worth it. Capitol Reef has really cool geologic features. Burr Trail is really scenic, too. Here's a random Youtube vid of Burr Trail
I have not had a sway bar connected in over a year and 15k miles, no big deal, makes Paige a bit seasick at times, but no big deal
May be a stupid question, but out of curiosity, what does it take to remove/unhook the swaybar?
Usually its bolted to the axle and frame on each side. You can get quick disconnects which just have a pin them you can pull out to remove the linkage.
I haven't had the rear sway bar on my Xterra for awhile, but I think sway bars on leaf sprung vehiclkes have less impact than on a coil sprung.
In my case it takes a lot of curse words, I was glad to get rid of it. The stupid hex nut on the end-links got messed up and just spun and spun. I had to saw it off. Even when everything's good you have to use two wrenches, one to hold the bolt, the other to undo the nut with a box wrench.
I thought the PowerWagons came with cabin mounted disconnects? Sure makes things much easier.
Just read through all 50 odd pages you have here and am very impressed with your build!. Great job! How do you like your MV50 air compressor? I'm considering getting one due to the price point and reviews i've heard around.
Stioc, your build is what I have always looked forward to reading due to the similar tastes we share. I hope to keep mine as well thought out as you have. Cheers and keep it coming!