Do your tires rub the wheel wells in sharp turns and if no, did you have to trim any well pieces? I'm a longtime lurker with a '13 200 about to make the leap of lift and tires. Thanks for sharing!
Absolutely. 33s and a lift, even with quality parts, is a substantial change to the suspension geometry and the myriad other design considerations Toyota engineered into the vehicle.
Nearly all vehicles with bigger tires, especially those that look good, have had to cut and trim. Part of the game.
I've seen some folks run the trd 17s with slightly bigger than stock at tires without any trimming but you end up with a rather conservative look as the wheels look narrow, because they are, and offset tucks em into the fender.
It's much better explained when you see the various modified rigs lined up next to each other in person. In my books, looks matter as much as functionality.