Okay, who has a LED light bar that whistles?
I do! And when I say its bad, its really bad.
I started with cutting 1" pieces of edge trim and strategically placed them approx 1 ft. apart. That helped with the harmonics from the wind passing over the fins to keep them from vibrating. It was literally sounded like something out of x files. The wind was playing the the fins like reeds through some type of woodwind instrument but more annoying like a drunk irishman playing the bag pipes out of key. The best was the sound at different speeds.
Now the whistling! Yep, almost as bad as drunk irishman bag piper... I knew this was cause from the steller aerodynamics jeeps are known for. Once the wind hit the 66.6 degree angle of the windshield the air would compress and move faster over all the little nooks and crannies. So i made a deflector out of some left over aluminum from my desert car. It was .054 of 3034 or 4043 and litterally pop rivotted onto one of the fins.
So far tested up to 65 mph without a peep.
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