My "New" Willy's II Trailer Build


I picked up a DeWalt trim router to add to my collection of wood working tools the other day. I used a flush trim bit to trim the top so it is flush with the sides. Unfortunately, I didn’t have one that would handle the ¾” floor, so I will have to pick up a longer bit for that. I’m also going to trim the openings for all the compartments in the same manner. I am picking away at it. I thought it would go quicker, but I was not accurate in that assessment. That’s all I got today. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Happy Trails!


More progress today. I finally decided how I am going to mount the door seals. The weather stripping will be 3/8” wide, by 3/16” – ¼” thick. So. I will cut strips that will mount on the inside of the door openings, that will be 3/8” above the door frames, and will allow the weather stripping to adhere to, and contact the doors. I will mount them with an 1/8” gap so the doors will close. Each door frame will have different size strips to facilitate the height I need, unfortunately, they couldn’t all be the same. That’s okay though, the end result will be the same. I was able to use various thicknesses of scrap steel, that worked as guides for the flush trim bit bearing to ride on, I just had to be careful where I started, and stopped.

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Unfortunately, I missed on one spot.


But I can fix it. I’ll cut a piece of ½” dowel (the diameter of the bit) to length, then cut it in half, and glue it in place. By the time I sand it, fill it, sand it again, then prime it, and paint it, you won’t even know. I was able to clean up most of the rough cuts today, then tomorrow, or Wednesday, I will finish the rest of them hopefully.

The last thing I was able to do today, was fit and mount the top seam strip.


All for now.

Happy Trails!


So, today I finished routing the box bottom edge, and all the door openings on the box, I also cleaned up the lines on the wheel wells.




Then, I went around and measured all the openings for the doors. I plan on cutting the doors tomorrow. Now I need to decide on the hinges. I am thinking of piano hinges, especially for the back door. But I want them to be uniform, so if I do for one, then do for all. However, If someone has a specific hinge they’ve used, I would be interested in looking at them. The next bit of routing I intend to do, is take a round over bit, and put a radius on all the sharp corners. Sides, top and bottom. I’m thinking that will minimize any dings on the sharp edges. My hope anyway. That’s all for now.

Happy Trails!


Yesterday, I got all the doors cut, with exception of the back storage compartment door. I thought I had a piece of ply big enough to do that, but I forgot that it was going to be ¾” instead of ½”. So, I will have to get another piece of ply for that. Today, I went over to McFadden Dales, and picked up the piano hinges, and bolts, nuts and washers. I test fit the doors for the forward, right and left storage, and fridge compartments, but only had time to mount one of the doors. I’m hoping to finish that tomorrow. For the kitchen and other storage doors, I have to trim the doors to length, but clearance top and bottom are fine. Then I can mount them.

I'm very happy with the fit of the doors. As for the latches. I have not chosen one yet. What's being considered: Anti-Luse latches, draw latches, and some for of RV cargo latch (as long as the doors are not to thin to mount them).

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More later.

Happy Trails!


Howdy all! So, Sunday, I went to the shop after church, to help a friend work on his trailer build. It was a fun distraction from mine, lending a hand for a fellow jeeper. And this morning, I helped my friend (who owns the shop I’m working out of) with some stuff. However, when we got back to the shop, I was in welding mode still from helping our other friend on Sunday, so I worked on the chassis. I enlarged the front section of the box, so that I would have enough room for the fridge to slide out. In doing so, that encroached a little on the wheel well a bit, causing the box to overhang 2" with out support. So, what I did to cover that, was to add a 2” spacer in the wheel well, in front of the tires. I’ve been meaning to do it for a while now, since it had to be done prior to painting the frame, and mounting the box. Since the box is almost done, I needed to hurry up and do it. Now it’s done. Once I get it painted, no one will ever know, except you guys of course, don't tell anyone. LOL

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I talked with my buddy, and decided, that while his car was off the hoist, and in the shop, I would put the trailer up on the hoist, and finish cleaning and prepping underneath, and get it painted. So… here goes nothing! I will start tomorrow, and away we go.

Happy Trails!
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Finally, Paint has started. Today I got the trailer up on the hoist, so that I could finish degreasing, and prepping for the paint. That took about an hour and a half or so. Then I wiped it all done with thinner. There were a few spots that needed to be welded (I didn’t want to lay on my back and weld, so I waited for a better time. And up on the lift was perfect). Once that was done. I removed the tires, and A-arms from the trailer, covered anything I didn’t want covered in paint, and got to it.

stabilizer legs work great!


Due to everything I did prior, I didn’t have as much time for actual painting, so I didn’t make a lot of progress today. Those threaded rods hanging down are for that batteries, and the water tank. Even trying to pay attention, I still ran into those things.


Tomorrow, I will finish the primer, and hopefully get the top coat on the following day. My arms feel like spaghetti. I am not looking forward to round two tomorrow. My friends car will be in the shop for a week, so I have to have the trailer put back together by then, so I can get the trailer off, and he can get his car back on the hoist. All for now.

Happy Trails!


Alright guys, I am a happy camper! I got the underside of the chassis primed, and I also primed the a-arms top and bottom, and the battery and water tank trays primed on both sides as well. Thanks to my friend, I was able to get the a-arms up on the table, and then flipped over once the first side dried enough to handle, to paint the other side.

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Tomorrow, I am going to put the top coat on the bottom of the a-arms, and the underside of the trailer where the a-arms mount. I want to be able to get the wheels back on it so it can be moved off the lift. And I can paint the top of the a-arms after installation. Then I can finish painting the rest of the bottom. Once all that is done, I still have to prime and paint the top of the trailer, including the tent support and everything, but that can be done allot easier, and with out the need to put it on the lift. Although, I do still have to take the tent off, and find some place to store that. So, I still have a way to go however, but I am a lot closer now than I was.

Happy trails!


So, as I posted last time, I have been busy with the paint brush, under the trailer. Finally, yesterday I finished applying the semi-gloss black under the trailer, in the section where the a-arms mount, and both sides of the a-arms and water tank and battery trays.

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The other thing that happened yesterday (unfortunately), was the bench that I bought to build the box on, the one that supposedly would support 1500 lbs., collapsed under the box. The important thing, is that no one was hurt. We had moved it to get it out of the way of something, and apparently bumped a power cord. One of the guys commented that it looked like it (the front legs) was leaning a little. So, I got down there to look at it, and it was, and it was moving a little bit when I moved the box (scary!), meaning it was loose. So, I knew that it could collapses if we tried to play with it to much. So, we tried to put a saw horse under that end. Unfortunately, when we lifted the box to do that, the end that looked okay, collapsed while holding the other end.

As I said, I should have known better. Bench legs attached with threaded inserts, and no cross bracing, would not be stable enough to support 1500 lbs..

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I just didn’t think about it. Anyway, tools, screws, clamps, shelves and doors, and the front of the wood box (which at the time were sitting on the box), were now on the floor.

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Well long story short, and again, no one was hurt, the box is not damaged (guess my wood working skills passed the test). But now, I have to repair the bench, reinforce the crap out of it, and figure out how to get the box back on the table (without bringing in some of the Rams front line to do it).
So, today, I repaired the bench, and added bracing, carriage bolts and nuts. I won't trust it to hold 1500 lbs., however, it will hold the box just fine. I reinstalled the a-arms under the trailer, and I at least got the box sitting on a couple of furniture dollies I have, so it can at least move around. But my back was hurting so bad, I had to call it early. I didn’t take pictures of the repair and what I did today guys, sorry. I will next time I’m there. That’s it for now.

Happy Trails!


Here are the pics I didn't post yesterday. the repair of the table included drilling through the top and using carriage bolts. I used a butterfly bit, and recessed the heads of the bolts, so the top is flat. I also added bracing on the table legs.


The a-arms are back in place. I did finish the paint under the trailer, so tomorrow, I might come down and get the tires back on so we can move it off the lift


Happy Trails!


Okay, today I put Humpty back on the wall, so to speak. With the box on the furniture dollies, I maneuvered it under the hoist, then slung straps under the box and attached them to the lift. Then I simply picked it up, positioned the bench back under it, and sat it down. No sweat.

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Then I got back to actually working on the trailer. I got the wheels back on, and the shocks. Put the water tank and bat trays back in place. Now, when the time comes, I can move the trailer off the lift.

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No painting today, it was a short day.

Happy Trails!


So, yesterday and today, were pretty much the same, I painted. Primer yesterday, and top coat today. At this point, I have painted the top and bottom of the lower chassis.

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There will be a little touch up here and there is all. All I Have left to do as far as paint, is the tent frame and lift. For that, I still need to get the tent down. Then, the propane holder and the tent left arms and handle, and the solar support (almost forgot that). When that is all done, I will get back on the box, and finish it off. I am so close now, I can almost smell the fresh air, somewhere in the wilderness. Can’t wait!

Happy Trails!


Well, for the past couple of days, I have been finishing up with the painting of the lower chassis, re-installing the air bags and air lines, and getting the trailer wiring back in place.

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Today, I removed the tent off the trailer, and set it on the box (I know, I’m probably tempting fate, but we’ll see).

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Tomorrow, I’m going to help out with another trailer project, but then Sunday, I will get the tent support frame prepped, and primed, as well as the tent lift platform, and hopefully Monday, I will get the top coat on. That’s the plan at any rate. More later.

Happy Trails!


So, I ended up working on my trailer after all today (Saturday). I got the upper frame prepped and primed, including the arms for the tent platform.


I will probably come back tomorrow afternoon, to primer the tent platform, and the solar support and tower. I am still on track to get the top coat on the trailer frame, and if I can figure out how to hang the tent platform, I will get that painted as well. Another bite out of it.

Happy Trails!


well, today, I managed to get the tent lift and the solar mast primed. Tomorrow, will be the top coat.


Happy Trails!

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