My "New" Willy's II Trailer Build


I've got to think gas tank style would be the easiest, or some angle supporting lower perimeter, or a combo of the two, then add a little rock shield for it. If you don't mind the weight, you can always just box the whole thing with sheet. Either way, if you want to run it as shown in the first post, I think you'll need to move the one cross beam that sits nearly over the axle if you want to tuck it up tight, then add a couple of support pieces running front to back.
Thanks "cedew" for your input, much appreciated. As it turns out, I had an opportunity to look at another trailer being built by another friend of my buddy, whose shop I am working in, which is father along than mine, and they used angle iron for a tray, then welded threaded rod to upper supports. they lined the bottom with a sheet of aluminum for protection, and a sheet in the front of the tank. That should work, and I will also add cross bracing underneath, to ensure good support. I think I will probably do the same thing for the battery tray too.


New member
Right on, that should protect it well.

Also, I came across a thread on ih8mud where someone else was doing the same 6v battery in series deal. The post didn't go into detail as to why, but there might be something to it. For what it's worth, we're out in the sticks in Northern California and with all the pge-trying-to-kill-us-all power shutdowns, I've built a few battery boxes with some cheapy Amazon 12v UB12180 batteries and use them to charge phones and run a small light overnight. One of them I've had since around 2012 and it's still taking a charge and seems to last just as long as the newer ones. They don't get used often, but they also don't get maintained often either. They've exceeded my reliability expectations by more than 2x.


Went to the DMV this morning, with the hopes of getting the VIN number, and getting the trailer registered. That did not happen. They said it had to be finished, and I told them that it was in the same state as a Harbor Freight trailer. It was assembled, and it had lights, and it was ready to finish out to my specks. But they stood their ground. They did however, give me a permit so I could tow it around, so that’s better than nothing.

When I got back to the shop, I installed the new “max coupler”, that arrived yesterday.


That’s all I had time for today. I’ll be back at it tomorrow.

Happy Trails!


Right on, that should protect it well.

Also, I came across a thread on ih8mud where someone else was doing the same 6v battery in series deal. The post didn't go into detail as to why, but there might be something to it. For what it's worth, we're out in the sticks in Northern California and with all the pge-trying-to-kill-us-all power shutdowns, I've built a few battery boxes with some cheapy Amazon 12v UB12180 batteries and use them to charge phones and run a small light overnight. One of them I've had since around 2012 and it's still taking a charge and seems to last just as long as the newer ones. They don't get used often, but they also don't get maintained often either. They've exceeded my reliability expectations by more than 2x.
That is awesome when something exceeds your expectations like that. It's unfortunate, it doesn't happen more often. That's to bad about pge. It makes you wonder how they think they are going to charge all those electric "green" cars, after they do away with fossil fuel burning cars. Anyway, that's for them to figure out. regarding the 6v batteries. It has something to do with wiring them in series, and effectively doubling their voltage from 6 to 12, and the amps from 700 to 1400. depending on the battery rating. That's what I understood anyway.

Happy Trails!


New member
Went to the DMV this morning, with the hopes of getting the VIN number, and getting the trailer registered. That did not happen. They said it had to be finished, and I told them that it was in the same state as a Harbor Freight trailer. It was assembled, and it had lights, and it was ready to finish out to my specks. But they stood their ground. They did however, give me a permit so I could tow it around, so that’s better than nothing.

When I got back to the shop, I installed the new “max coupler”, that arrived yesterday.

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That’s all I had time for today. I’ll be back at it tomorrow.

Happy Trails!

I've been wondering about this as well. Can you tell me how the conversation went? Were you saying, "oh it's done as it sits", or did you tell them there's more work to do?


Today I worked on the trailer jack. This was given to me, so it had the fitting that comes with the jack to mount to the frame already welded on, so I had to cut/grind it off first before I could mount it.


After a little effort, I got it cleaned up, and ready to mount on my trailer.


I used some DOM tubing ½ inch ID, and 1 ¼ inch x ¼ inch flat bar stock to make up the brackets. Tacked it all up for fit, then welded everything. The brackets that come with the jack are very loose, and it makes it hard to move the trailer around, so I came up with my own design.
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And when it is not in use, it is stowed horizonal, on top of the frame.


Trailer on the jack. I'm gonna mount a wheel in place of the foot, so it will be maneuverable in the field as well as home.

I still have to make up the dock for the stowed position, but I was hot and tired, so I called it a day. I'll get around to it.

Happy Trails!


I've been wondering about this as well. Can you tell me how the conversation went? Were you saying, "oh it's done as it sits", or did you tell them there's more work to do?
I basically told them it was done as a rolling chassis and ready for accessories, and that I had not decided how to proceed from there. He made it sound like, if I had a plywood deck, and the lights were permanently mounted, it would fly.


After getting some warranty work done on my wife’s car, I finally made it to the shop.
I picked up where I left off on Thurs. I made the docking bracket for the jack, and got all that welded up. Then I clamped it in position, checked it for alignment, and welded it to the frame.





Next, I was given a trailer wheel and caster for my trailer by my friend. So, after some drilling, cutting, and grinding, I got it mounted on the jack. I’m gonna have to get a replacement tube for the tire, as it will not hold air for more than a minute or so. But that wheel is well worth the price of a tube.


Well, it says it is 105* outside, and it is 92* inside, so I think I’m gonna call it a day. The next time I'm at the shop, I think I'm gonna work on routing the brake wires from the hubs, up to the J box. I also want to continue routing the air lines, now that the jack is in place. The valves are going to be mounted at the jack dock. See ya next time.

Happy Trails!


So, yesterday, I welded ½” square tubing on the A-arms, to route the brakes wires up to the J box, which will be mounted to the bottom of the box floor. I got both sides done in short order.


The next thing I started working on, is the water tank mount. Yesterday, I started out with the tank in the location where it will go. I had to make sure to have space for the fittings, and the hose routing.


Once that was figured out, I started cutting the angle iron for the frame, and tacked it together.


I also got the holes drilled in the frame for the threaded rod, and tacked the threaded rod to the frame in front of the tank support. By that time, it was pretty hot in the shop, so I called it for the day.

Today, I picked up where I left off. I made and installed the rear mounting tabs, and got them welded to the frame, and then set up the threaded rod, and tacked it in place. Satisfied, I welded everything up.

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I still have some little things to do, Like, adding a shield to protect the water fittings where they come out of the tank. I still have to get the aluminum, for the shielding in front of, and underneath the tank, and cut it to length, and install it. Other than that, I’m pretty much done with that.


The next thing I think, is the battery box. Since I’m on a role with the fabrication stuff. My friend Rick, gets some of the credit. He gave me quite a few suggestions to help me out. My Creator gets most of the credit for giving me the abilities in the first place.
That’s a wrap for the day. It’s already getting hot in the shop.

Happy Trails!


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Today I worked on the battery box. I’m going to use two batteries wired in parallel. So, I wanted to make sure that the box would support the weight. I’m using the same material that I used for the water tank, 3/16” x 2” angle iron. It will be more than strong enough. I brought in the battery that I will be using, and took my measurements. Then I stated cutting. That cold cut saw I bought is cutting this steel like butter, it’s great, except for one thing. It really makes a mess. Small chunks of steel fly everywhere, and you have to be very careful to ware eye protection. But hey, it gets the job done, so I guess I will just work harder with the broom. Once I cut the basic frame, I tacked it together, and did a trail fit.

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Once the basic frame was done, and I figured how to hang it, I cut lengths of the threaded rod in 1/2”, and did the same as I did for the water tank. I cut a piece of tubing as a center post, and ran it length wise between the arms, then ran a piece of angle across that to catch the treaded rod in the front of the box. The back rods will mount to the center cross brace.



Once I was good with everything, I tacked it in place. I’m not going to weld it up until I’m sure it with work with the two batteries, and the cables. I still haven’t figured out where I am going to route the cable into the box yet, but I have time.
The last thing I did, was make a brace for the center of the tray, I want to make sure there is enough strength there.

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The heat got up there quick today. So, I called it quits at noon today.

See yawl next time.

Happy Trails!


Got to the shop this morning at 05:30 hrs., hoping to get a head start before the heat showed up, and it pretty much worked. I test fit the Battery in the holder, and decided that it was going to work well, so I went ahead and welded it up.


After that, the next step was to run the air lines for the airbags, only, I didn’t have enough line left, after playing with it. So, I will order more tubing, and move on to the next project (there are plenty). Worked on the wiring harness, putting on the connecters, and mounting the box.


I was going to wait to run the wiring harness, until after the air lines were run, but since I didn’t have enough tubing, I did what I could do.

I decided that I would cut the day short. I had some errands to run, so I did that and then went home. I have decided that I am going to cut the size of the steel down for the front box to conserve weight. It is not going to be used for anything that heavy, so it makes sense. The other thing on the list, is the bumper. Originally, I was going to fabricate a rear bumper incorporating the tail lights, but, since changed my mind. Now I am just going to use a piece of 2 x 4 x .188 tubing and call it a day.
One of the errands I wanted to run has to do with the trailer brakes. When I bought the axle, it had the slight bow in the top of the axle. The idea behind that, is to provide just a little camber to help compensate for heavier loads. well, when I oriented the axle so that the bow was up, the back plates for the brakes were upside down. In my experience with auto brakes. the wheel cylinder is at the top, and the adjuster is on the bottom of the axle back plates. I can rotate them, because the bolt pattern is the same on all four corners. But I have to pull the brake drum/hubs off first, in order to do that (I didn't want to have to mess with the bearings, and grease and everything). I called the place where I bought the axle, however, they have no tech's to answer questions like that. So I had to go to a shop that installs trailer hitches, to see if I could get an answer. If anyone out there has any knowledge of this kind of thing, I would like to make sure it's right. My gut is telling me to rotate it so that the solenoid, is to the up, and forward position (about 10 or 11 o'clock). Someone give me your thoughts.

I guess that’s all for now.

Happy Trails!


Up until today, I haven’t done a whole lot. I piddled around with the wiring for the brakes, and the tale lights, but that’s about all. I finally made it down to the metal supply house to get my bumper material, and some other stuff. So, today I started on the bumper. Rather than have a square bumper, I tapered the bottom ends just a bit, so it wasn’t boring, and then also capped the ends.

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I also cut a notch in the center for the receiver. I’m still Leary of the cut off wheel since I got bit by the thing, but I didn’t really have a choice. You can bet I was extra careful though.

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I have quite a bit of the tongue material left, so I will cut a piece of that, and drill it for the receiver. I’m probably going to weld the receiver to the bumper first, then to the bottom of the frame. I’m gonna make gussets to attach it to the side rails of the frame, for extra strength.

That’s all for the day today. I hope to get the bumper mounted tomorrow.

Happy Trails!


Today, I finished the bumper, and the receiver.


The hardest part, is making sure everything is aligned and true. Especially before you weld it up. I’ve spent way too much time undoing a mistake, because I got in a hurry. I did go ahead and tack the receiver in place, being careful not to weld it to the rear cross frame. Then I pulled it off and welded it to the bumper. Then while it was still hot, I clamped it back in place so it wouldn't warp on me, and then welded it up.



I still need to make up the gussets, to attach the bumper to the side rails. I think it would be wise to have a little more strength. Although, I do tend to over engineer stuff. Because I’m not sure if it will handle the load.

The next major project on the list, and pretty much the last major thing I need to do, is build the open storage bin that is gonna be mounted in the front of the trailer. It will be used for fire wood, and the propane, and extra fuel if need be. I may start that on Monday. But for now, I'm done for the day.

Happy Trails!

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