My Wandering Soul

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Central Scrutinizer
I was thinking at least $500 for parts and machine work

The machine shop labor alone would be closer to $700 for teardown, cleaning, inspection, a full valve job, installing the new valve seals, adjusting valve clearance, and head surfacing. The seals come in the valve grind gasket set, but, If you need new shims, I seem to recall they are around 10 bucks each and valves are around 20 for each intake and 25 for exhaust if any of those are bad.

My biggest concern would be that the head got warped or cracked from the water pump failure the other night. But that's hard tellin' not knowin'.

To really do this job right, it is right around 1500 dollars once you factor in the injector cleaning and calibration, machine shop labor, and the other things you should do at the same time. (clean the nastiness off the oil cooler, maybe install new chain guides, thermostat, coolant, oil/filter, etc.) Taking the truck to a facility to just drop it off and pick it up would add ~20 hours labor.

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That sounds about right, it cost me $1500 to have the head gasket replaced on a 80 series I had and that was a few years ago.


Central Scrutinizer
From cruiserdan over on 'mud:

The cost range is huge and will depend on multiple variables. Among them how deep you go and weather or not you are doing the job yourself.

The bare minimum parts outlay is ~260 bucks including oil, filter, coolant and some bandaids.

Machine work for the head will be 300-600 bucks and then you add whatever else you need to address or stuff you may break in the process.

If you pay a shop to do it count on at least a thousand bucks labor and possibly a whole lot more.

I can see 3 grand easy at a shop with some additional items being replaced.


And something that I feel should be required reading before any Land Cruiser purchase.

Also from cruiserdan:
Question Should I buy an 80, costs of ownership?
There have been a few recent threads where questions have come up looking for cheap stuff or easy answers. In response to that I would like to offer some observations.

The 80 Series Land Cruiser was, at the time, Toyota's Flagship vehicle in the United States. When new the 80 sold from the mid 30 thousand dollars (for 91-92 year model examples) to the low to mid 40's (for 93-94) to a bit past 50 thousand dollars for the last production 97 models.

During the production run the 80 rarely sold for less than the factory sticker and often for more. They were always in short supply and coveted by dealers. I bought mine new and it took me almost a full year to get it.

Obviously the "new" has worn off for virtually all of the original owners so they parted with them and we now see second, third, and even fourth, owners showing up on the board.

Those of you who fall into the latter category did not buy a 10,000 dollar or 9,000 dollar or even a substantially cheaper vehicle. You bought a used vehicle that, in many cases, sold for close to 50 grand new.

The care and feeding of a top-end luxury vehicle DOES NOT depreciate like the vehicle does. Parts and labor costs only go up.

The only way to really be able to afford one is to enter into the relationship with eyes wide open and the commitment to learn to work on it and care for it yourself. Or, have the resources to pay somebody WHO KNOWS AND UNDERSTANDS the vehicle to look after it on your behalf.

It should further be mentioned that to morph an 80 into what ammounts to the most capable production 4WD vehicle ever offered by any manufacturer will cost at least 6000 bucks, if you supply the sweat. This only takes into consideration the mods, not the PM's to get the vehicle up to speed.

That being said, my relationship with my 80 has been one of the most satisfying parts of my life.


I added the enhancements to his words.

I thought you just had to get it machined which I have been finding for around $100 and then just replace the gasket which I can get for around $90 I believe was told to me. I know its very expensive to have it all done by a shop, but did not realize it cost several hundred dollars to do it yourself which I have no problem learning how as I want to.

Did not know there were more parts to this whole shabang. Flat out can't do it. We are replacing the waterpump tomorrow or Thursday. Then I will do the rear pads next week probably and fluids and that's that. If the head gasket goes it goes and I will find another means to do what I need to do down here in AZ. I will get to the areas in AZ I need to get to and then to Montana no matter what. Thanks for the help everyone, but thats about it.
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Dave Bennett

If the head gasket goes it goes and I will find another means to do what I need to do down here in AZ. I will get to the areas in AZ I need to get to and then to Montana no matter what. Thanks for the help everyone, but thats about it.

Huh? If you run it into the ground then what? You're veering WAY off course from your original intent here IMO.

I thought the main purpose of this boondoggle was to fix the LC in order to be able to get to a desperately needed job with 007 in Montana? I'm not alone here at all when I say I'm having a hard time seeing what screwing around at OVX and other deluxe destinations in the Southwest has to do with a JOB up by the Canadian border? Can you REALLY afford to go party and hang out at OVX???

I understand that traveling across country and getting your vehicle fixed via cash donations, free food/lodging and free mechanical help from people who've never met you is in keeping with the ExPo spirit for all concerned. It's what you do with that donated money and time/help you have received that will define this trip and be remembered. Choose wisely.
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2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
OK all you landcruiser guys I need part numbers for what is needed to do a headgasket replacement on an 80 series
I have access to a cylinderhead shop and I think I can get the work done for free or stupid cheap as a 1 time favor from the owner.
The parts can be bought at the shops cost but they do big diesel engines (can and do also deal with auto stuff) so I need to give them what they need to order to get this task done.
Huh? If you run it into the ground then what? You're veering off course from your original intent here IMO.

I'm actually working down here right now, meeting the people I need to meet, helping out where people need my help, and setting up several contacts for future stuff while I am here. I'm not out having fun, going off-roading. I made some stops alog the way here to get out and stretch and made a mistake of going down a wrong road, but I am not halavanting around the country on these donations. The AZ portion of the trip is meant for skill building and some other stuff.

I physically don't have the money to do the headgasket if it really does cost that much even to do it yourself. The Expo donations have gone to lodging for the one night the Cruiser was down in a gas station parking lot, stocking up on oil for the trip across, coolant, upgrading my AAA to Plus to get it towed down to Prescott where some work will be done, and other needed stuff to make it here. It is not being spent to have fun on other peoples dime. If people think that's what I am doing I will gladly return every penny, just tell me and I will do that. I never asked or wanted people to send me money. I hated it when they started doing it and I still hate it. I feel dirty and its utterly embarrasing. The job in Montana is only seasonal and wouldn't really start up to until April anyways. I needed to figue out my options for when the season is over and that's what the AZ plan was and still is. Thamkfully people have put me to work and it has been a learning experince even if I don't get paid for it all.

If it completely fails somewhere it will be sold for parts and I will sell most of my belongings and camping gear and fly to Montana with what I can carry for the next step in this journey. Not a whole lot I can do from here on out. Whatever happens happens. Everytime I force something I fail. People can question every move I make right now, but there is a purpose for me being down here until Overland Expo where I will be helping bothe Overland Journal and ConserVentures
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Expedition Leader
I never asked or wanted people to send me money. I hated it when they started doing it and I still hate it. I feel dirty and its utterly embarrasing.

Phil, don't be embarrased about it. Like you said, you didn't ask anyone for the donations. You didn't have your hand out. When I donated, I did it because I wanted to and it didn't come with any strings attached. You go do what you need to do...that's what I thought this trip was about.


I physically don't have the money to do the headgasket if it really does cost that much even to do it yourself. The Expo donations have gone to lodging for the one night the Cruiser was down in a gas station parking lot, stocking up on oil for the trip across, coolant, upgrading my AAA to Plus to get it towed down to Prescott where some work will be done, and other needed stuff to make it here. It is not being spent to have fun on other peoples dime. If people think that's what I am doing I will gladly return every penny, just tell me and I will do that. I never asked or wanted people to send me money. I hated it when they started doing it and I still hate it. I feel dirty and its utterly embarrasing. The job in Montana is only seasonal and wouldn't really start up to until April anyways. I needed to figue out my options for when the season is over and that's what the AZ plan was and still is. Thamkfully people have put me to work and it has been a learning experince even if I don't get paid for it all.

If it completely fails somewhere it will be sold for parts and I will sell most of my belongings and camping gear and fly to Montana with what I can carry for the next step in this journey. Not a whole lot I can do from here on out. Whatever happens happens. Everytime I force something I fail. People can question every move I make right now, but there is a purpose for me being down here until Overland Expo where I will be helping bothe Overland Journal and ConserVentures

Relax Phil.

We talked about this in Virginia and I am still not sure where the disconnect is. You have a lot of cash potential in the Cruiser. Running it into the ground (which always happens in the worst possible place and at the worst posssible time) is not the answer. I am glad you made it out to AZ, but the engine is a time bomb right now. If you are not going to fix it right, you need to pass it off before it blows up in your lap.

I will try to lay this out for you logically.

--You have roughly 2k in resaleable mods. Sell them with the condition that you get the stock parts. Return your rig to as stock as you can.

--Sell your now stockish Land Cruiser to Carmax in Phoenix or trade it in to a dealer who will get what they deserve for screwing people over all the time.

You should get 3500 at a bare minimum.

Use this 5500 dollars to buy a 4runner, Tacoma, Mini truck, another land cruiser etc. Spend it all or spend a little and save some....Your Choice.

Take this "new" vehicle, do what you need to do, go where you need to go, gain the skills that you need, and move on from there.


Better gas mileage
No cost for HG job
Less risk of being stranded by catastrophic failure
Still very capable off road
better reliability
More time to do the things you want.
You can always buy another Land Cruiser

You lose the cool factor of a built 80
You have to start the Mod process over again.

Sit down and take a hard look at your priorities and then make the best decision. Maybe not the most appealing in an expeditionish way, but the best decision.

Good Luck,



Just a idea if you do sell the cruiser, my brother has a '84 ford diesel van for sale cheap,its old but runs and drives good and gets about 21 mpg on the freeway.


Expedition Leader
I agree with Dan, Phil. If it can't be done right, I'm worried about the stress it'll bring you on the open road. There are LOTS of other cars that can do what the 80 is doing. and what you're doing does NOT require 4wd.

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I may be going out on a limb here, but when I first saw this thread I thought wow what a guy, I sometimes wish I could do this. But I guess the reason why I didn’t ever do it was because it takes a big plan and the financing. I don’t want to sound like a jerk, but I know a lot of people in hard spots and they are working with very little. Perhaps they just are a bit more realistic. How does one just take off without resources and a plan? My wife would cut my balls off. I guess to each his own, it’s not my life. All I can say is that there are a lot of real good people on this site that want to help a guy out. Just be careful. I have been thinking a lot about what’s going on here and I’m sorry to say it kind of bugs me. I think I might have been a bad judge of character on page one of this thread.
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