Expedition Leader
Use this 5500 dollars to buy Roseann's NX250 which she doesn't need anymore, some good riding gear and enough food and gas to ride the long way to Montana.
Fixed it for you.
Use this 5500 dollars to buy Roseann's NX250 which she doesn't need anymore, some good riding gear and enough food and gas to ride the long way to Montana.
The job in Montana is only seasonal and wouldn't really start up to until April anyways. I needed to figue out my options for when the season is over and that's what the AZ plan was and still is. Thamkfully people have put me to work and it has been a learning experince even if I don't get paid for it all ...snip...
...snip... People can question every move I make right now, but there is a purpose for me being down here until Overland Expo where I will be helping bothe Overland Journal and ConserVentures
How does one just take off without resources and a plan? My wife would cut my balls off.
I may be going out on a limb here, but when I first saw this thread I thought wow what a guy, I sometimes wish I could do this. But I guess the reason why I didn't ever do it was because it takes a big plan and the financing. I don't want to sound like a jerk, but I know a lot of people in hard spots and they are working with very little. Perhaps they just are a bit more realistic. How does one just take off without resources and a plan? My wife would cut my balls off. I guess to each his own, it's not my life. All I can say is that there are a lot of real good people on this site that want to help a guy out. Just be careful. I have been thinking a lot about what's going on here and I'm sorry to say it kind of bugs me. I think I might have been a bad judge of character on page one of this thread.
Fixed it for you.![]()
I am in complete agreement with Dan & Jess after reading their post...
The fact that you could take all the automotive related stress out of the journey and end up with a van that lets you sleep inside and gets good mileage is a killer concept.
You could end up with cash reserve at the end of the deal that would give you a chance to see more and do more with out worry that the rig will die on you.
I kind of have to agree with some of the others, if you can't get the 80 fixed correctly, it should not be making any trip down to OVX, unless that trip is a "paid for work" gig. If you are going down to "volunter your time", then this side trip is a "luxury". If the 80 dies in route because of not "having the time" to do the repairs, you end up in a lose/lose situation. Dead rig, no OVX and can't get to your job. Bad deal.
Having been to OVX last year, I am quite sure they can handle running things if you can't make it because you need to set your priorities to repairing your rig and getting to your job. There are a whole bunch of ExPo people not making OVX because they can't afford it/no time/etc. If this is a paying gig and it's paying more then your costs, then it makes more sense otherwise set your priorities in line.
I want to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are trying to prioritize your life direction and doing what you need to do, to restart again. ExPo members are very generous and willing to help out but don't like to see someone receiving help (in whatever form) throw all that out the window by making some bad choices when better choices have been offered.
Good luck man and I hope things work out for the best.
Relax Phil.
We talked about this in Virginia and I am still not sure where the disconnect is. You have a lot of cash potential in the Cruiser. Running it into the ground (which always happens in the worst possible place and at the worst posssible time) is not the answer. I am glad you made it out to AZ, but the engine is a time bomb right now. If you are not going to fix it right, you need to pass it off before it blows up in your lap.
I will try to lay this out for you logically.
--You have roughly 2k in resaleable mods. Sell them with the condition that you get the stock parts. Return your rig to as stock as you can.
--Sell your now stockish Land Cruiser to Carmax in Phoenix or trade it in to a dealer who will get what they deserve for screwing people over all the time.
You should get 3500 at a bare minimum.
Use this 5500 dollars to buy a 4runner, Tacoma, Mini truck, another land cruiser etc. Spend it all or spend a little and save some....Your Choice.
Take this "new" vehicle, do what you need to do, go where you need to go, gain the skills that you need, and move on from there.
Better gas mileage
No cost for HG job
Less risk of being stranded by catastrophic failure
Still very capable off road
better reliability
More time to do the things you want.
You can always buy another Land Cruiser
You lose the cool factor of a built 80
You have to start the Mod process over again.
Sit down and take a hard look at your priorities and then make the best decision. Maybe not the most appealing in an expeditionish way, but the best decision.
Good Luck,
x2. Which begs the question, where does Jenn (your wife) stand in regards to this whole scenario???
I got the same impression as the others when Gavin and I pulled you off the highway.We were trying to understand why you were still going to OVX when your rig was dead. It seemed like you're priority should be trying to figure out how to get to your job in Montana. Maybe you should have stayed put in CT until you could start your seasonal job in MT? But you were stated you wanted to get to Overland Journal to "see what happens".
No, you didn't ask for the "save Phil fund" but you willingly accepted these people's hard earned money because they were under the impression that you were in dire need or you would be sleeping in a ditch with your cruiser and no one wants that for anyone. You mentioned you had $650 dollars of donated money and $1,000 of your own. I am also assuming that since you were fired from your job that you are also receiving unemployment.
I think several people are starting to wonder what your real intentions are. Also you stated that you weren't 4 wheeling but when we received messages from you Sunday you were off road and running low on fuel and overheating. You also gloated that "this was the most extreme off-roading you had ever done".
Why would you be off road in a cruiser that should be in the shop? Then you acted as if the good people of Flagstaff should drop everything they were doing to repair your truck and give you a bed to sleep in. (sorry you had to sleep in the dirty motel).
Doesn't really sound like a self-sufficient soul-searching journey you are making it out to be.
Figured since you DID accept the money that people should know what's going on. Don't ruin it for someone who really deserves it.
100% of my $150 of unemployment goes to my debt and it does not cover enough of the monthly payments. Lets not even go there with that.
I didn't ask anyone to drop everything they were doing. I made some phone calls to people in the area, Gavin included to see what they knew about the area and advice when I found myself in a bind. When I realized I could not go further I then asked for Gavin to come pull me to some place safe. When he said no on a place to stay for one night did I complain? I went and found a cheap hotel room. Then decided what to do from there. When I realized nothing could be fixed in Flagstaff, did I complain? No I did not. I asked for some advice and took the advice that made the most sense.
As far as off-roading is concerned that was a mistake on my part and I admitted it right away. I put no blaime on anyone, but myself and my bad maps. I thought it was just going to be a 2wd dirt road into Flagstaff. When it turned out not to be I got myself out of the situation and back to the main road.
Interesting how this thread has changed!
Steaker - you maybe finding yourself in a hard spot but you will get through it. You have everything you need to Camp and are in an area rough camping is vast and free!
But your not in that bad of situation! You have a LC thats worth what a minimum - $4000 dollars. That is equity and if your wise $4000 dollars can take you far.
You mentioned you had a spot and a cell phone - both those require monthly payments. Scrap those thats another week maybe two of food a month.
Sometimes starting over means letting go of everything and in this case including the Land Cruiser.
Buy some Roman and a case of water and go disappear for awhile.
It could be worse!!!
I have a good friend with 3 degrees (80k in debt), zero experience, zero equity, but a good attitude. She took a job (working in a Hostel)and flew to Anchorage alaska - selling her only transportation a bike to pay for the ticket The Job only lasted 3 weeks before she had her outs with management. But she buckled down found another job(butt wiping at an old folks home), got a roof - super small studio.
She has been able to pay her phone bill, student loans, and a roof over her head - and honestly saved enough to now buy a $1200 dollar car which she plans to drive back from alaska this spring and find a new job here in South Dakota. It maybe bagging groceries but it will be something that will keep food on her plate and a roof over her head but she will be with friends and family.
All it takes is a little determination.
Just an FYI - in college I lived on less than 13k a year. I lived in my own trailer house, drove a brand new GTI and had an R1. I was able to travel and see the world. Yea I ate my fair share of Roman - a steak was out of the question! didn't go to the bar that often and if I did my tab was always under $10.
No, we know that you aren't coming right out and asking for anything but when you DID ask me if Dave (Mogas) was retired I knew what you were getting at. He has a family and a job and wasn't going to drop what he was doing to rebuild your truck so you could go hang out at OVX and "see what happens"
And no you didn't complain but you let everyone that it was the dirtiest motel you had ever stayed in. Seems like it was better than being stranded off road or on the highway.