My Wandering Soul

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Sending good cheer your way amigo. All the very best- Onwards and upwards.
-and if you venture out into these parts, we'll have some chai ready.
Waking up today at 5:00, Jenn and I were a nervous wreck, both of us unsure of our futures and if this move was going to lead to a better things for the both of us. I know Jenn was a nervous about the weather today as it had been snowing all night. After saying our good-byes, I hit the road. Normally, snow does not make me nervous, but at 5:30am in the dark, on a crowded I-95 with no street lights I had reason to worry. Thankfully, I had no issues, but I am worried about my gas budget now. The going was slow, then fast, and then slow again. I went through half a tank just driving through CT due to frighten drivers. I just need to be really careful in the coming days.

I was headed to a destination I have wanted to go to for years, Centralia, PA. As I made my way there, I realized my oil consumption had increased since last week. About the time I reached NY my oil light had come on. After another 100 miles, it came on again. It was at this time that I noticed on start up that I was burning oil at an alarming rate, blue smoke filled the air. Arriving at Centralia I topped my oil again and proceed to explore.

A bit of advice on Centralia, wait until there is no snow on the ground. Snow piles blocked the roads and there were no pull over areas due to the amount of snow. It turned out to be a bust. I drove around for a bit while snapping some quick photos. The smell of burning coal filled the air, I could see smoke rising from the distance and the atmosphere of the area was surreal. It felt as if I had stepped straight into a horror movie.

Eventfully I made my way to my stay for the night, Front Royal, VA. Thank you to JerryYukon on Expedition Portal for offering me a warm place to sleep, a decent dinner, and good conversation. After 5 quarts of oil just on the first day, I am worried more then I was yesterday. This was not factored into my budget nor was a possible break down. At this point I am not sure what I should do. All my focus was on the Cruiser today, instead of trying to find calm. I may have to turn around. There might be a chance that someone will look at it tomorrow, but even so I have no money to take care of any issues. Its time to work out a plan.
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I thought I would share a tip with you that was born out of necessity:

Several years ago my brother and I made our way from Phoenix, AZ to Provo UT to start a new chapter of our lives. We had $200 between us for travel expenses and $125 of it was spent on a 1973 AMC Gremlin. Our car leaked oil at an alarming rate and we did not want to put our money into fresh oil that would be spent on the highway. We pulled into a small gas station late one night and camped out in the car. The next morning we asked for their used oil and were able to fill a few milk jugs full to get us through the remainder of the trip. We did not have much to risk as we ended up taking the car, less a few good tires and battery to the wrecking yard after arriving at our destination and rallying the car in the desert.

You might want to consider this to help with your budget. It sounds like the Cruiser is used up anyways and the old oil might not hurt too much.

Good luck on your journey and let me know when you are passing through Western Colorado.



Expo Approved™
Phil, Napa is having a sale on oil right now. $2.29 a quart for conventional and they have it in 20w-50. Also, have you tried any engine stop leak additives? Bars Leak is a good brand and might be worth $10 to try out, especially if it slows down the oil consumption.


Expedition Leader
Wow, dude. How are you gonna enjoy a trip like this when your mode of transportation is such a stressful thing?:Wow1:

I had friends who walked from brown university to California. Yet others, who biked from San Diego to british Columbia. My wife's cousin just tramped on trains (illegal, not endorsing this) from San diego to Michigan.

Everything you typed sounds like a good idea except for your car, dude.

Here's my suggestion

1. go to a junkyard
2. sell the cruiser
3. Stop, sit, think, re-plan your time.
4. Buy a bike, a train ticket, a bus pass...Heck, a good pair of walking shoes...anything other than a car.
5. Re-start your journey, dude.
6. You've let go of so much negativity in the last few months. That car needs to be the next step. You don't need it.

I see you makin' great decisions since we last talked, and I'm excited for you.:wings:

Cut the strings to this "thing" weighing you down and move on :26_16_2:

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Appalachian Ridgerunner
Got your Spot notice once we got back home last night Phil. Heck we were just miles from your layover last night as we were running across I-66 and then up I-81. I didn't spot you though we kept an eye out. Keep all of us posted as to what your plans are if you have to head back.
We talked to a mechanic today. They think its the valve seal gaskets add on the already leaking rear main seal. Quoted price $2500+ for the valve seal repair:Wow1:

I don't physically have that. What to do? Bigdaddy, it does make some sense to do that, but then there is the issue of my gear. I have packed up my life and its all in the Cruiser. The Cruiser is my new home.

I need to decide today do I continue on adding oil every 100 or so miles or do I turn back, forget setting up contacts and the other opportunities I have between central Texas and AZ and just fly to Montana. If I turn back I will now be out $500.

Now I wish I had my Tacoma back.


Expo Approved™
Phil, I know your budget is tight, but you do realize you only need 1 quart per 100 miles to get to AZ right? How many miles do you have left? 1500? That's 15 quarts. That Napa oil at $2.29 a quart means it's an additional $35 to continue to add oil every 100 miles. Perhaps once you get to AZ, the great minds here on Portal can band together to get your Cruizer fixed. Heck, I'll come down with parts and sleep on someone's floor if we can get this thing fixed.


Expedition Leader
We talked to a mechanic today. They think its the valve seal gaskets add on the already leaking rear main seal. Quoted price $2500+ for the valve seal repair:Wow1:

I don't physically have that. What to do? Bigdaddy, it does make some sense to do that, but then there is the issue of my gear. I have packed up my life and its all in the Cruiser. The Cruiser is my new home.

I need to decide today do I continue on adding oil every 100 or so miles or do I turn back, forget setting up contacts and the other opportunities I have between central Texas and AZ and just fly to Montana. If I turn back I will now be out $500.

Now I wish I had my Tacoma back.

Holy Crap. I just choked on my water. Twenty-five HUNDRED?! Did you black out when they mentioned that amount? I would have!

I definitely get that you're setup for car camping, and that it'd be tough to transition at this point, for sure. :(

Having spent time in Montana, though, I can say with gusto, that it's a wonderful state to explore, with many, many miles of interesting people, places, scenery. If you had to go there sooner that you thought, I'd honestly be a bit jealous...haha! :victory:


Expedition Leader
Phil, I know your budget is tight, but you do realize you only need 1 quart per 100 miles to get to AZ right? How many miles do you have left? 1500? That's 15 quarts. That Napa oil at $2.29 a quart means it's an additional $35 to continue to add oil every 100 miles. Perhaps once you get to AZ, the great minds here on Portal can band together to get your Cruizer fixed. Heck, I'll come down with parts and sleep on someone's floor if we can get this thing fixed.

That's a good point, Ryan.

I wonder, though, if the issue that the oil consumption is a symptom of, would make it unwise to drive solo where there's not support.

(E.G. long stretches of highway, etc.)

I guess if he's got a spot and a cell phone, he can call for help if he gets stranded?


Holy crap man, that cruiser has been an albatross around your neck from day one. Hmmm. Just thinking out loud, some ideas, extrapolating on points already made...

- seek advice and consider using a motor oil as thick as molasses, thickest there is. Might not be a good idea in cold weather on cold starts.
- if you can curb the oil consumption with thick oil, it might help your fuel mileage noticeably. Higher compression, less blow by, more efficient fuel burning.
- quick change oil shop for free oil. Get it from the pan of a vehicle vs. the shop holding tank if possible.
- not familiar with cruisers, if it's fulltime 4x4, can disconnect the front driveline for better mpg's perhaps?. Part time, keep it out of 4x4, and can still do a disconnect maybe?
- air your tires up to max for mileage.
- Greyhound is about the cheapest transpo going. They are flexible on tickets, baggage.
- can check the wreckers, east coast vs. western U.S. as well, see what you can get for your vehicle.
- put the word out, sell your bumper/s (ARB?), everything you can, before taking it to the wrecker.
- maybe find a $500 dollar toyota or geo metro, good mpg's, with tags.
- can ditch the vehicles all together, they are money pits.
- if you have a job waiting for you, that you can start now, just get there. Put off the sightseeing and visiting.

Edit: some posting done while typing, hope some of this is still relevant.


Gee whiz. Has anybody out east got an unused "beater" car sitting around that can be relied upon to get this guy across the country? Anything with valid plates and insurance just parked that a good guy can "borrow" for a spell? Maybe someplace he can park the cruiser to deal with in better financial times? The guy has work and a bold new future waiting that can convert the cruiser to the dream machine it aught to be down the road.


Automotive ADHD is fun!
Lucas oil additive, some 50wt and some prayer. I dunno about LC's, but in my old Datsun there was no horrible permanent damage about a few thousand miles with blown guide seals.


Expo Approved™
I'm not saying there isn't an element of risk here. The LC is on it's last legs but perhaps he can get it to AZ and get it fixed up there. I know he has several Portal member's phone numbers so if he should run into trouble, he could call and we could get the word out.

That's a good point, Ryan.

I wonder, though, if the issue that the oil consumption is a symptom of, would make it unwise to drive solo where there's not support.

(E.G. long stretches of highway, etc.)

I guess if he's got a spot and a cell phone, he can call for help if he gets stranded?


Expedition Leader
I'm not saying there isn't an element of risk here. The LC is on it's last legs but perhaps he can get it to AZ and get it fixed up there. I know he has several Portal member's phone numbers so if he should run into trouble, he could call and we could get the word out.

For sure, for sure. I'm pickin' up what you're puttin' down.

What sucks is that this isn't some buddy who's just trying to relocate and "make it there". He's trying to get a bit of perspective and "him" time out in the vast American landscape. (which I completely support)

Too bad his rig is gonna require so much attention, but maybe that'll become part of the adventure. :)

Melissa and I did a cross-country trip in a uhaul once. We flew into nashville, visited family, went to graceland, and then once loaded up with a bit of furniture for her mom, we drove all the way back on Route 66.

Oh my GOSH! what FUN trip. Made all the better knowing we had a vehicle that we didn't really have to worry about. (now that I think of it)
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