My Wandering Soul

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So far so good. I made it to Sevierville, TN. It was a long day, but I was actually able to stop at a few places along the way. I'm currently sitting at a Starbucks for internet so no update until tomorrow.


I talked to Phil a little while ago on the phone. His oil consumption problem is mostly solved for now. He was able to put in over 400 miles without adding oil. We will see how it does in the long term, but I am optimistic. The PCV valve was the original at 18 years old and 250k.

When I found out that he wasn't blowing blue/black smoke and wasn't leaking that bad out the bottom end, I suspected the PCV. The intake hose had quite a bit of oil in it too.

The codes that he was throwing were a normal problem for early production 93s. The ECU doesn't like the data that it gets so it throws three codes--83-84-85--Nothing wrong with the truck, just a finicky ECU that will easily last into Montana.

We ran some Bars stop leak in the radiator which eliminated the bubbles in the coolant---this is a temporary stop gap at best, but coupled with the temp guage mod and frequent oil checks, it should get him to at least texas. The Bars is recommended by Robbie (powderpig) over on mud and has worked well for quite a few folks as a short term fix. The number six plug didn't show obvious signs of coolant, so even though I am sure that the HG is gone, It is not acting like a classic HG failure....

The idling problems were traced to some nasty bosch plugs. Phil had a set of Toyota plugs on hand and she idles much better now.

I also took a listen to the top end with my stethoscope and the engine sounds really good inside. With a new HG and a little freshening, she could easily go another 250k.

Good to meet you Phil and I wish you all the best. Keep an eye on that temp gauge.

Andre, that story did come when are you going to finish the pig?


When I found out that he wasn't blowing blue/black smoke and wasn't leaking that bad out the bottom end, I suspected the PCV. The intake hose had quite a bit of oil in it too.

The codes that he was throwing were a normal problem for early production 93s. The ECU doesn't like the data that it gets so it throws three codes--83-84-85--Nothing wrong with the truck, just a finicky ECU that will easily last into Montana.

We ran some Bars stop leak in the radiator which eliminated the bubbles in the coolant---this is a temporary stop gap at best, but coupled with the temp guage mod and frequent oil checks, it should get him to at least texas. The Bars is recommended by Robbie (powderpig) over on mud and has worked well for quite a few folks as a short term fix. The number six plug didn't show obvious signs of coolant, so even though I am sure that the HG is gone, It is not acting like a classic HG failure....

The idling problems were traced to some nasty bosch plugs. Phil had a set of Toyota plugs on hand and she idles much better now.

I also took a listen to the top end with my stethoscope and the engine sounds really good inside. With a new HG and a little freshening, she could easily go another 250k.

Good to meet you Phil and I wish you all the best. Keep an eye on that temp gauge.

How much oil in the intake? Just curious, it wasnt bad last summer... enough to make me look around, and check that the PCV was functioning...

I was hoping to get things lined up with work and all, and get him up here...I REALLY wanted to do a compression, and a leak down test on it at least....... and the rear of the head was where I was looking for any signs of a leak(dont know if that is #6 on a Yota).

Well, anyway, glad to see you're back on the road Phil.... keep it rolling...

How much oil in the intake? Just curious, it wasnt bad last summer... enough to make me look around, and check that the PCV was functioning...

I was hoping to get things lined up with work and all, and get him up here...I REALLY wanted to do a compression, and a leak down test on it at least....... and the rear of the head was where I was looking for any signs of a leak(dont know if that is #6 on a Yota).

Well, anyway, glad to see you're back on the road Phil.... keep it rolling...


Chase man, don't worry about it. You are a busy guy, not to mention how much work you already did on the Tacoma and Cruiser.
Give my "left" arm


After the wonderful help I received at Quantico, I was excited to finally be on the road. That said, I knew the rest of my trip to AZ would have to be modified. I could no longer afford the extra gas to take a slightly longer route to Flagstaff. I was bummed about that, but I decided that I would still make the most of my time on the way out.

Wednesday morning I realized I was not too far away from Fredericksburg. Never one to pass a battlefield without poking around, I set out for the National Park. My first stop was Fredericksburg and it was then I decided to pick up something special for someone special. Apparently, I was the first visitor of the day and the gentleman behind the counter was excited. We talked for a good 15 minutes about the Civil War, my trip, and Benedict Arnold for some odd reason.

It all felt so odd though. I love American history, yet without someone to share my excitement with it just felt so flat and meaningless. This is one of the struggles of this trip, learning how to enjoy traveling for myself alone. I need to find something deep down inside myself. That said, my travels through Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and Battle of the Wilderness were still interesting. The scars of the war still visible today, almost echoing how I felt that day.

Driving down Route 3 in Virginia I remembered that it was at Chancellorsville that Stonewall Jackson lost his arm and that his left arm was buried by itself in a field. Where was it though? Instead of searching high and low for the grave of his arm, I stopped at the visitor's center at Chancellorsville. Turns out you need a pass to visits the site at Elwood, which I now had.

It was turning out to be a rough day. My heart started to realize this was it. I was back on the road leaving what really meant the world to me, dare I say, what I would give my “left” arm for. It was all behind me though. All I could do was suck it up and focus on bettering myself.

The Cruiser was running great and by the end of the day with my stop in the Smokies I had not added any oil.
Stay tuned for todays travels.

Be sure to check out more pictures at my blog below.
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Chase man, don't worry about it. You are a busy guy, not to mention how much work you already did on the Tacoma and Cruiser.

Hey man, as long as you're rolling man.... heck, I just got home for the day, and ate dinner....

Be safe man, and keep it rolling....

OH, and get some more of the great pictures you take.....



How much oil in the intake? Just curious, it wasnt bad last summer... enough to make me look around, and check that the PCV was functioning...

I was hoping to get things lined up with work and all, and get him up here...I REALLY wanted to do a compression, and a leak down test on it at least....... and the rear of the head was where I was looking for any signs of a leak(dont know if that is #6 on a Yota).

Well, anyway, glad to see you're back on the road Phil.... keep it rolling...


There was a good puddle in the hose and quite a bit in the throttle body. Definitely where his oil was going...

The PCV wasn't completely stuck, but they are kind of finicky on the 1fz--it has to be working perfectly or they use oil....

#6 is the rearmost cylinder, but the HG usually fails at the fire ring and mixes the coolant with the exhaust. Phil had all the symptoms of a minor HG failure--Exhaust smelling coolant, white smoke, and bubbles in the overflow.

I think his engine is in pretty good shape with the exception of the HG. I don't want to steal Phil's thunder, but I heard a rumor that he made it to Little Rock, Arkansas without burning any oil.....:victory:
In search of Cash


I could barely get any sleep so I decided to start heading to Conway, Arkansas at 3:30am. The Cruiser was still running fine as I left the Smokies for points west. It turned out to be a pretty uneventful day all in all.​

Since I was to be passing through Nashville, I thought it would be fun to drive through and see some of the sights. Unfortunately, I never realized how large a city it really was. I quickly realized it was going to be a bust so I jumped back on I-40 and headed towards Memphis and then I realized I was in Johnny Cash country. I began to hope I would stumble on stuff related to his life.​

This is about all I found. Pretty exciting isn’t it. . .lol.

The day was long and boring, but with a lot of soul searching I drove down I-40 to Conway to spend the night at 6string's The good news is, as stated above, I didn't burn any oil:wings:​
Are you coming through north Texas?

I was going to go through Central Texas, to salvage something from the trip out. I knew Big Bend was now out of the question, but I was still hoping to get through Dallas then onto White Sands. Due to everything though I can't waste the extra $130 or so it would cost.

So yes, I am coming through Amarillo which is about where I should be ending up tonight.
Phil's on his way out the door with a hot cup of coffee and a decent night's rest. (Can't talk him into taking a free lab, though. Just can't seem to get rid of this dog!) He's says he's looking to make it to the Amarillo area tonight. If any of you all are in that general area, give the man a holler right here. He's a great guest with a great story.

Godspeed to ya, Phil. You're welcome back anytime.



Phil's on his way out the door with a hot cup of coffee and a decent night's rest. (Can't talk him into taking a free lab, though. Just can't seem to get rid of this dog!) He's says he's looking to make it to the Amarillo area tonight. If any of you all are in that general area, give the man a holler right here. He's a great guest with a great story.

Godspeed to ya, Phil. You're welcome back anytime.


He's not taking your lab because he is taking the boxer I found a few weeks ago.


Hey Phil,

Glad to hear the cruiser is working ok and your trip is going as well as could be expected. Keep up the trip reports and pictures, makes it easier to live vicariously through your experiences...

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