NC to OR on the TAT in my 4Runner


Rollin' along
It might even be worth checking out craiglist for the Denver area. Lots of high end gear gets purchased and sold for a fraction of the original cost. Depending on what you are looking for you might find a hardly or never "used" item for a great deal.


It might even be worth checking out craiglist for the Denver area. Lots of high end gear gets purchased and sold for a fraction of the original cost. Depending on what you are looking for you might find a hardly or never "used" item for a great deal.
Funny you say that I was on there this am

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El Gordo

EL Gordo



Today was good I spent a large portion of the day trying to get rid of all the mud so that the 4runner would drive without Shaking me to death!!! After that I stopped at the Coloradoland tire store and got some air thanks guys. I left there went to Rocky Mountain Harley which I had said I would stop. From there I went to the REI store in Denver. It was awesome!! I left there had a Bison Burger with jalapeno and cream cheese. At My Brother's Bar which is supposedly the oldest bar in Denver. From there I headed on out towards the Rocky Mountain National Park. I looked for some crossbars. The Toyota store wasn't very helpful so I the went to the four-wheel-drive store where I meet with Nate from the forms who has been following the trip, Pretty cool. I made it to bolder stopped got an air mattress then stopped at Estes park Safeway for what I wanted to eat. Well after looking for places to camp I ran out of daylight and lots of roads are closed for the weather soooo... Oh here are pics from today's travels.
It snowed last night

Saw a sweet Subaru at the car wash

Sexy silver Pro. Why no sunroofs in the pro??

Well done 3rd gen


I was meet at the Harley store with living the dream as an answer to how you doin? And honestly I can see why, they are working with bikes with this scenery all year. That is truly a dream


Passed by the biggest car wash I've ever seen!!

Colorado Cruiser

So u don't hurt your self falling into tent drunk!!!


Now I'm having a beer at Cables Pub and Grill and WOW what a great burger and the beers cold. So since I ran out of day and lots of closed Rd mixed with more snow I think I'll just stay around here and see the park tomorrow.


Till tomorrow. By the way can someone please help me out with the cross rail deal. What do I need?? I want to spend less than 200 and have to ability to one day hold a RTT.

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Since you'll be going back through Boulder anyway, might be worth stopping at Rocky Mounts:
2055 26th St., Boulder, CO 80302

Racks is all they do - and very helpful people. And since you seem to appreciate real food - while you're there, go across the street to Salvagios for lunch. I highly recommend the Hot Pastrami...


That's what I did. $400 bucks I just don't know that I want to spend that to fix my free set up!! Only holds 20lbs more than the 140 for stocks

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New member
Won't lie, I was a little worried about how this thread would go when you said you'd never camped before but so far, very impressed and jealous!!! I've been reading about the TAT for a couple years now and want to figure out how to make it happen sometime soon. Great read so far and keep it coming!

Chris Boyd

Loving the trip report... As for the cross rails, think of them as investment - you'll need them anyway if you take the next plunge to a RTT.


Great trip report. Just finished watching your Youtube video - that state park guy on the golf cart sounded like a right ************.
Hoping to replicate this trip soon!



Okay sorry guys, day 8 after hanging out at the bar I found for a while I decided to go to Morraine Park in the Rocky Mountain National Park and it was amazing. Thank you for recommend that. It was beautiful when I woke up I went to look over the mountain and came close to a herd of Elk which was way cool


This was my view literally only and ankle twist away!! Stepped on side if sniw covered rock!!

I rode around and looked at the wonderful scenery, btw Toyota should pay me for some of these shots

Estes Park is a cool little town right outside the park that I believe I would definitely visit for a vacation. What a great little town.
While getting gas I ran into a guy (I'm absolutely awful with names!!) He has dedicated his free time to capturing anything he can of Big Foot. Go see him at bigfootlooseusa.Com. I talked with him for about 30min about all the sightings he had and all the evidence. Lucky someone knocked over the coffee cause I needed to head on!!!

I then headed to Denver and wanted to see what kind of celebration they would have for 4/20. All the big stuff was cancelled because of the weather so there wasn't much going on. I did get some gummy bears!!

From there I decided that I would head south to one of the places on my map the sand dunes of Colorado. So I off I went. Lucky I did because a storm came through Denver

. The trip was about 3hrs and beautiful the whole time.


The storm looked to be firming over the dunes and heading toward the mountains. Finally IM here!!

I had stopped and picked up the crossrails from Toyota and decided that I was going to re organize the truck while I had daylight also fix my rack. Well I'm hear to tell ya that was a pain in my ***. I finally got the plastic end caps off 1 broke. Then I was trying to slide the rails in and broke the end clips of the new rails. Mind you it's raining and 36° so needless to say I've had it. I decided I would get new cross rails (again) tomorrow and deal with it then. So I cooked the best meal yet

Slept well woke up to mess with the rack. I got everything that was on the rack packed into the truck and decided I was going to try to put the rack inside the truck until I can make it to the Toyota dealership. The rack did not fit into the back of the truck. So, I let a guy at the campground have the rack and now I don't have to mess with it anymore!


Now I'm eating a great breakfast that I will share with you tonight when I update again. Till next time.

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Won't lie, I was a little worried about how this thread would go when you said you'd never camped before but so far, very impressed and jealous!!! I've been reading about the TAT for a couple years now and want to figure out how to make it happen sometime soon. Great read so far and keep it coming!
Ha-ha. I was too and I'm the one taking the trip. It's actually not that bad as long as you stay prepared then you should be good to go the hardest thing for me so far it's just been sleeping in the truck in the cold

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DAY 12

Okay so I looked at the calendar and counted up the days and today is actually date well. Today I started out in Telluride CO on a little road called the last dollar Road. I was told about this road from the local bartender at the Last Dollar Saloon. I was also told about the pizza place right next door which by the way had the most amazing deep dish pizza I've ever tasted and I don't like deep dish pizza.


After eating the pizza and having a few beers I decided to go up the mountain on to Last Dollar Rd and try to set up a camp. Colorado is a fantastic place for one reason they allow you to just pull over on the side of the road and Camp as long as you're in a national forest.

This was my view this morning waking up

I decided to mess around a little then get some gas, get on Trail and make my way to Moab. The Trail was blocked several time due to snow and I spent alot of time backtracking because of this. None the less I drove out to Moab and finally got to enjoy some off roading that I wanted to. Here are the pics from today's travels as well as some off road 4runner porn!!


Stopped by the house in the rock and WOW. What a crazy tour very well worth it to take kinda creepy too




Got a chance to look at the modifications I have made this trip!!

I've got a hotel in Moab and will head out in the am to venture around. If anyone would like to hook up and do some wheeling I'm down like 6 flat tires. Hit me up!!!

BTW I will drop new Video too

Till tomorrow PEACE!!

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