I'm sitting in a Bar in West Siloam Springs OK named Red Dirt drinking a beer cooling down after being run off from Natural Falls State Park for absolutely nothing!!! I pulled in started looking for a spot to park and this old man was waiving me down and said I had no business driving around. I let him know I was looking for a place to camp, he said we are full you need to leave!! OK, Sao inwent to the front parked and started looking around for another spot. This guy rushes up to the front on his golf cart and continuously tells me to leave, I let him know what I'm doing he says I can't help you leave right now!!! ******!?!
This is him, although you can't see him!!
Anyways, here at the Bar the bouncer qhos familiar with the TAT oddly enough said that I can camp out at a lake that's near by so that's where I will go!!!
Today's journey was good same ol scenery up until the Ozarks and then it got beautiful!!
Then I found this cool little store that based on some stickers on the door they are no stranger to TAT riders!!
Had a sandwich and kept it moving!!
Saw some cool rock formations on whiterock Rd
Then the first bit of technical stuff!! Although I still never put it in 4wheel Dr
I shoot some good video!! Stay tuned
After that it was basically this!!
I made my goal of getting to OK so that's all that counts!! Other than the old man the most exciting thing to happen was a cow ran straight at the side of my 4runner and I almost flipped trying to swerve. That what I get hauling *** down OK dirt rds at night with no LEDs!!
Well the 2nd band just started at Red Dirt, the local Motorcycle Club is piling in and it's starting to be my kinda place, just like where I hang at home!!! Peace till tomorrow.
there is a reason the windshield is bigger than the rearview mirror