Today started great!! How can it not after having 12+ hrs of sleep in the comfort of a hotel room!!! Thank you to the Americas Best Inn Ponca City OK. After waking up I stopped at the little restaurant next-door and had a huge breakfast, country Fried Steak omlet complete with hashbrowns,peppers,onions, and gravy, It was awesome!!!
After that I was off to the Trail. It had started to rain sometime in the night and continued on. Once I got onto the Trail I noticed that these conditions were byfar not ideal. The farm roads made of clay and sand had turned to thick slick mud that was similar to driving on ice
I have more videos of this than pics because I was trying to maneuver through it. After spending 2hrs in mud and getting stuck no less than 10times I determined that this was no fun and I was going to find some paved rds to get me past the wet plus my mpg had dropped to 9mpg and I was traveling at less than 15mph and like I said it wasn't fun which is the reason I wanted to go on the trip. You know where I'm from there's mud bogs and everyones idea of Off-roading is going mudding, I'm the opposite. I enjoy Off-roading but don't like being in mud.
After driving for a while on paved rds it seemed to be dry enough to try the Trail again so I hooked back on to it. I ran into some more mud but not near as bad as before. Here are some pics I took going through OK
Going into New Mexico the scenery changed to desert and flat. But still gorgeous.
Finally I see the Rockies
Approaching the Rockies was just as I expected it to be. Absolutely beautiful and breath taking. As I have said many of times on the trip the camera can not capture the full effect
Maybe TMI but I had to use the bathroom and couldn't find anything for miles and hrs, once I started heading up the mountain, which is way steep I might as, I decided to pull off at a little cut off and try my shovel out!!! While doing this I heard my phone going off indicating I had cell signal. I hadn't had this or even FM radio for hours. It was beginning to get dark and I knew the weather was bad somewhere ahead and this was my view
So I decided to set up camp and stay here for the night.
As promised here is a closer pic of my window set up at night.
Tonight the low is 27 so needless to say I won't be rolling down my window!! Tomorrow, due to the weather I will be traveling until I get to pavement then heading on into Colorado and figure it out from there. Holla tomorrow.
I am Camping on a mountain pass outside Folsom NM on the Colorado border
there is a reason the windshield is bigger than the rearview mirror