Time to add the Taruca awnings!
**************************************** 270deg awnings **********************************************
Taruca Bushwakka Extreme Darkness 270 - three attached poles, $1500, closed dim=91" long, 145sq ft, 62lbs,
https://tarucausa.com/taruca-extreme-270-lhs-awning/. Optional wall available.
Taruca Bushwakka Extreme 270 - one attached pole, $1300, closed dim=98" long, 129sq ft, 58lbs,
https://tarucausa.com/taruca-extreme-darkness-270/. Optional wall available.
Freespirit Recreation 270 - No poles needed, $1100, closed dim=96",
sq ft?, 37lbs

(lightest awning),
iKamper Exoshell 270 - fresstaning but poles included, $1750, closed dim=103", 66lbs, 121sqft, ripstop nylon (may not UV reflective up top, my guess).
@shoredreamer has pics on his 80
post #289
BF Campers (Canada) Freestanding up to 25 km/hr, $1,200 CAD$, sq ft? closed dim?
https://www.bfcampers.com/product-page/270-degree-awning. (may not UV reflective up top, my guess)
ARC 270 by Roam Adventure company, 56lbs, need poles, 92sq ft, closed dim 90", $1400, ripstop sailcloth, (may not UV reflective up top, my guess)
Campking- Freestanding, Closed dimension 2.3m (91"), 24kg (53lbs), area? Coming from Aust. (maybe UV reflective up top, my guess) Sold by Rhino gear $2500
The Ultimate Totally Freestanding 270 Awning * ETA late August 2022. Finally, the 100% Australian-made Camp King Protector Series awning is available in the USA! If you're looking for the absolute best, look no further. 100% Free Standing. The Camp King Protector Series Awnings offers easy...
Roofnest Litewing - 30 or 40 lbs depending on regular or XL model. Coverage is 70 or 100 sqft. The alum case is 7" wide x 8" tall x 100" long.
https://roofnest.com/product/litewing-awning/ cost is either $1195 or $1295 (XL).
Rafters are made of carbon fiber.
Darche Eclipse GEN2-
https://overlandaddict.com/products/darche-eclipse-270-awning-gen-2, 87" length, 124 sqft,$1,299
Doghouse 270 - 40lbs,
https://www.doghousetents.com/products/free-standing-270-degree-awnings?variant=37027629858981, 92" length, area
sq ft?, $985 CAN
Wraptor 6k -
70lbs ( bracket weight is 5lbs x 3)
https://overlandpros.com/product/wraptor-6k-270-degree-freestanding-vehicle-mounted-awning/, 88", sq ft?, $849
Wraptor 4K -
61lbs (includes bracket weight 5lbs x 2)
https://overlandpros.com/product/wraptor-2500/, 86" length, ?? SQ FT, $800
Alucab Shadow -
https://www.alu-cab.com/product/270-shadow-awning/, 102" length, 100 sqft, $1,500
Rhino Rack Batwing -
47lbs (40# minus brackets)
http://www.rhinorack.com/en-us/products/sport-leisure/shade/awnings/batwing-awning-left-_33100, 98" length,115sqft, $800
Rhino Rack Batwing compact -
https://www.rhinorack.com/en-us/pro...de/awnings/batwing-compact-awning-left-_33300, 79" length, 69sqft, $688
OVS Nomadic -
https://overlandvehiclesystems.com/...lack-cover-universal/#product-tab-information, 88", 129 sqft, $900
OVS LT (lighter model)
https://overlandvehiclesystems.com/...7-dark-gray-cover-with-black-cover-universal/, 83" long, 80 sqft, $699
Peregrine 23Zero -
https://23zero.com/product/peregrine-270-us-drivers/ 88" length, ? sqft, $1,000
Kingsmen 270,
https://www.kinsmenhardware.com/products/awning, 91" length, 168 sqft, $2,150+4mos lead time
James Baroud 270,
https://adventure-ready.com/store/james-baroud-falcon-270-awning/, ? length, ? sqft, $1500 (driver side only)
Bush company 270XT,
61lbs (53# minus brackets),
https://www.southernxpeditions.com/bush-company, 90" length, 86 sqft, $1450, no poles are required or provided.
Bush Company 270 MAX,
73lbs (new to the market)
https://cascadiatents.com/bush 270xt max awning left.html, 90" length, 130 sqft, $1750
Ostrich Wing
https://www.ruggedbound.com/products/ostrich-wing-awning , 104" length, 120 sqft, $1480, no pole design,
Howling Moon 6 panel awning 2.5m-
38kg/83lbs with reflective material -
https://www.howlingmoon.com.au/product/6-arm-270-degree-swing-awn, 98" length, ? sqft, $1795 AUSD
Howling Moon Swing awning 2.5m,
https://www.howlingmoon.com.au/product/270-degree-awning, 98" length, ? sqft, $1390 AUSD,
Quick pitch weathershade 270,
https://tgmoverland.com/collections...k-pitch-weathershade-20-sec-awning-270-degree, 101" length, 161 sqft, $1380
EEziAwn Bat
https://www.equipt1.com/products/bat-270-awning, 95" length, 80sqft, $1300
EEziAwn Manta
https://www.equipt1.com/collections/270-degree-awnings/products/manta-270-awning, 100sqft, $1400
**************************************** 360deg awnings **********************************************
RLD DESIGN GhostAwn 360 Awning - 48lbs (weighed by Shoredreamer)
https://www.rhinoadventuregear.com/products/rld-design-ghostawn-360-awning, 96" length, $1,400
Bundutec Bunduawn 360 DEG 44lbs,
https://bundutecusa.com/bunduawn/ - no pole design 96" length - $1,515, 108" length - $1590, and 116" length