I am thinking of moving my wolf packs to the other side of the trailer. When my wife packs clothes for her and gabby, There does not seem to be enough room in them. So I think that we are going to do bags that can be on that side instead. Also she has a hard time with the latches to open and close the door inside.
How do you guys have that side set up now to store all of your cooking needs?
I always roll my clothes they seem to fit better
funny how the tent pole covers are so different on the models ? I like mine very easy to get into and get the poles in and out
I am going to redo my cooking side completely and will post pics as I work on it
but when I first got my trailer I ripped out the foam for the kitchen stuff and put in shelves (same thing for the bar side and used that for our toiletry stuff etc..)
that helped a lot ! I got so much more room with the shelves
I kept the cool cutlery holder on the door though
since I have a front door I can get to the bottom easier but I used those containers from costco that have the split tops you can open and close about the size to hold file folder stuff
those are on the bottom for bulk storage stuff then on those I put some plastic drawer things you can get at target etc.. I had around and they worked well for extra food and kitchen stuff etc...
inbetween them I used the non slip rubber stuff you can get in bulk rolls at costco
that also worked well on the bed area to keep the pad from slipping around