Most of my visits to this forum are to waste time....
This forum wouldn't exist if the threads stayed on topic and was only about data points. How mind numbingly boring would that be?
That being said, I was going to suggest that us knuckleheads that have short attention spans, send all the off topic Suby, etc stuff over to
my thread that
@Dalko43 was kind enough suggesting we create. But I never got around to it.
Do they make transit connects in AWD? I have one, the extended length version. We have it loaded down pretty good plus a pipe rack and it gets about 19mpg.
First we need to talk about the Cheby to appease the persnickety rule followers.
How about that new HD Silverado? That grill! What is that all about anyway, eh?
Didn't think they did make 'em AWD, at least not the cargo version. Don't see an option on the build page.