's the news.
Hey guys,
Apologies for the absence! As you can imagine, the world of dealing with DOT and NHTSA compliance is a minefield. If there is one thing we want to do, it is to do this all right the first time. When you then add all the different specifications for electrical systems, water heaters, gas systems etc., it all becomes more fun. What we are wanting to do is have all the "perishable items", items that may at some stage need to be replaced, be easily replaceable here in the US and not need to be sourced from South Africa. These include things like stoves, water heaters, electrical systems etc. We now have most of these details sorted out, including suspension options (torsion or leaf with shock), but given the shipping timeframe, we still need to wait a little while to actually get one here.
So, given delays and attention to detail, I'm afraid we will NOT have any camper trailers at OX2011. I'm sorry to disappoint those of you who wanted to see them, but we do not see the point in rushing and having an incomplete or unsatisfactory product. We will continue to work on getting them here for viewing. In the meantime, we will be able to take custom orders for any of the campers, but of course will be sight unseen for the immediate future.
Pricewise, we are looking at around $40k for the top of the line Xplorer model with the 2 doors and flop-out front bed. This comes fully equipped with electrical and battery systems, hot water, LED lighting all around, propane systems, 80qt National Luna Fridge/freezer etc. It even comes equipped with the plates and cups! This also includes all the awnings and tents that can attach to the camper.
The Xcape will be about $5-7k less, and the Oryx will run around $25k.
So, apologies again for not being able to get them in time for Expo, but we'll just have to arrange some demos and meet and greets around the country. Road trip?