I couldn't believe how many neat trucks I saw on the drive here yesterday, once I got on the Pan American Highway. Lots of Fusos, they are the most common here, but also quite a few Isuzus NPRs (mostly with the Chevy badge) and a bunch of Hino 500s. I'm in the big city (Arequipa) for a few days so took advantage of that fact and went to look at trucks today. First I went to the Isuzu dealer. They still had one big truck (semi) with the Chevy badge, but all the new ones now are Isuzu badged. They had a Reward 500, for $32,000, which seems to be the standard NPR, with a 150 inch wheelbase, 2 WD, and alongside of that a Reward 400 DT (both had NPR on the side as well), for $39,000, which is a 4x4, it was a 132.5 inch WB. As they don't have a drop frame like the Fuso, the top of the frame on that was about 37.5 inches from the ground, vs 31.5 on the 2 WD. It was a very nice looking truck :drool:, even though I plan on getting a 2 WD, I wish they were available in the U.S.
Next I went to the Mitsubishi dealer, they had 2 Fusos there, the only difference being the wheelbase, which I didn't check. Both were 2 WD so I asked the salesman about 4x4 and he said they don't sell them in Peru. Not sure if that is correct or not, as it seems strange they would sell them in the U.S. and not here. Didn't think of asking any prices there.
The Hino dealer has moved, not sure where they are at so didn't get to see them, but the 500 looked pretty nice as I met them on the highway. :smiley_drive:
OK, back to reality and looking for used stuff on the internet!