Off Clip On (Mosquito repellent)


Expedition Leader
We were up north for the weekend and I think we about used a whole bottle of Deep Woods Off .. When we were having adult beverages by the water it didn't seem to do much but up by the woods it did. Kind of odd.

Thus the name. :victory: You should have gotten 'By the Water Off.'

I've got one of those Thermacel repellers that works well when there is no wind. I assume the clip-on is a no-wind device, as well?


They work well...

in confined areas where there is no breeze. We use them on our back porch and they work great! I tried them on the river fishing and they didn't seem to work as well. I've hung one in the Howling Moon RTT and it worked great! Put one in the jeep as well with the windows down and it kept them at bay. So I say they work well in most low wind areas.:ylsmoke:


Thornton Melon's Kid

I haven't had a chance to try one of those Off battery deals. Every time I go to the company store they are out.

I was at the company store looking at all the different Offs after we were terrorized the week before by some skeeters. Regular Off wasn't a deterent as I stated. I found out most of the Offs had 20-30% Deet. Then I picked up a 1 fl. oz. spray bottle of Deep Woods Sportsmen. 98%! Bingo for the tough ones! The bigger bottle of it only have 30% though. Its just the small 1 oz. I grabbed about 6 of them.


I used a Off clip on skeeter repellent on a camping trip over the weekend and I thought it worked so-so. I had it clipped to a pocket on my hiking shorts and the skeeters would land on my head and neck so I moved the clip on up to the neck of my shirt and the skeeters would go for my legs...........I ended up hoping the wind would pick up and blow the buggers away.


Thornton Melon's Kid
Back from the dead!

Sort of an update. I think it was the year of the last post here I found some info from a fellow camper on our trip,Dave. Well, it turns out Dave worked for SC Johnson too at one time. He bred those mosquitoes in the old Off commercial where the arm goes in that little tent full of them. He did a lot of research for Off. He told me the amount of deet in a container doesn't matter. 1% or 90%. It either works on them or it doesn't.

Eitehr way, I am going to pick up a thermacell unit to ward them off when I hit the Upper Peninsula next week.


Expedition goofball
Instead of air born protection how about Permethrin clothing spray? Has anyone had success with it?


OverCamping Specialist
Instead of air born protection how about Permethrin clothing spray? Has anyone had success with it?
I have four long sleeve shirts from Railriders (my favorite outdoor clothing brand) with the Permethrin made into it, but have not taken them camping yet.
I do have a few of them in my dufflebag to test out soon on vacation.

This year I am trying some different stuff I have had some success with from late summer of last year.
I can tell you that it does work, at least for me it does.
3M Ultrathon Insect Repellent Lotion, 2-Ounce

I also had these delivered from Amazon the other day.
Still taking the 3M stuff above, but I want to try these out as I hate having any type of lotion on me, but the above does smell nice :D
Best Mosquito Repellent Bracelet 12pcs, 100% All Natural Plant-Based Oil, Non-Toxic Travel Insect Repellent, Safe Deet-Free Band, Soft Fiber Material For Kids & Adults, Keeps Insects & Bugs Away


I used the Off fan in the back of my vehicle with the rear door open cause it was too hot to keep the thing closed up. Seemed to work for me as there was no breeze to counter the effects of the repellant. I have stored it away in my stuff and now can't find it...not a good move.

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