Offroad Teardrop - SawTooth XL


Yeah, I'd think if it's snug but not tight, and you've got greased delrin or UHMW in there, it may feel stiff by hand, but compared to the trailer forces, it's nothing. Alternatively, you could double nut the joint so that you don't have to tighten it so much to make the nut stay put.

Yeah I cross drilled it and put a roll pin thru it so it would keep the right tension on the washer. No room for a double nut or even a nylock in there. Its a little tight :)


Hey guys... sorry for the lack of updates. I'm still on unemployment and the trailer money is taking a back seat to other things... I'll post as soon as I start on the epoxy


Expedition Leader
I think you're doing such a great job on this we should take a collection to keep this moving forward!!! :coffeedrink:

Anyway..fantastic workmanship and I hope the job horizon looks brighter soon!! At least you can make it as a cabinet maker if need be with all your talent.

good luck and I'll say a prayer, Pat


Hey guys... sorry for the lack of updates. I'm still on unemployment and the trailer money is taking a back seat to other things... I'll post as soon as I start on the epoxy

Sorry to hear that... stay positive! Something will come up soon enough, and then you can continue your amazing work on that awesome trailer! :victory:


Supporting Sponsor
I think you're doing such a great job on this we should take a collection to keep this moving forward!!! :coffeedrink:

Reading through this I was thinking the same thing. I say post up your Paypal addy (or get one if you don't already have one) and those so inclined can donate for the cause. Personally I believe its worthwhile and any one of us could be in the same situation in a moments notice in the current economy, you're so close now its gotta keep going to the end! I'll kick in...

:victory: Teardrop Stimulus Package :victory:​


Unemployed but you can build a trailer like that? Dude... it's pretty obvious. People want your trailer, building the first one is always the hardest- they get easier. I'm thinking you can at LEAST make trailer kits. Maybe do one up to fit the common Harbor Freight trailer or something. You've got a great business idea sitting right there if you enjoy that kinda stuff.


Reading through this I was thinking the same thing. I say post up your Paypal addy (or get one if you don't already have one) and those so inclined can donate for the cause. Personally I believe its worthwhile and any one of us could be in the same situation in a moments notice in the current economy, you're so close now its gotta keep going to the end! I'll kick in...

:victory: Teardrop Stimulus Package :victory:​

Thanks for all the support RocKrawler and everyone else. Side work is starting to trickle in and as soon as I get caught up on some stuff I'll be back after it. I want this thing done worse than anyone :) I've been applying for jobs here and there so we'll see what happens. It will be finished this year guaranteed. Just gotta get caught up after 7 months of vacation ;)

Unemployed but you can build a trailer like that? Dude... it's pretty obvious. People want your trailer, building the first one is always the hardest- they get easier. I'm thinking you can at LEAST make trailer kits. Maybe do one up to fit the common Harbor Freight trailer or something. You've got a great business idea sitting right there if you enjoy that kinda stuff.

Muddy - I started on it when i was still employed and had a lot of the materials purchased when my company closed last December... So i've been working on little stuff as i can. I started filling holes with bondo not too long ago...

Thanks again everyone! I realized the other day that my build thread is the highest viewed thread in the trailer sub-forum with nearly 52,000 views. I am astonished at the response it has generated and never thought people would think it was anything more than just another trailer. I promise as soon as it is humanly possible, I'll be back after it...

It will get done!



Thanks again everyone! I realized the other day that my build thread is the highest viewed thread in the trailer sub-forum with nearly 52,000 views. I am astonished at the response it has generated and never thought people would think it was anything more than just another trailer. I promise as soon as it is humanly possible, I'll be back after it...

It will get done!



There's a six-pack for you! Until you're able to get back to it, we'll all be here, patiently waiting! :ylsmoke:


Stomper, I am pretty damn impressed with your build. And you are right people are talking about it, I was over on POR and it was referenced in a thread there, it is actually what lead me to the site. I wound up joining because of your build.

Best of luck to you, I will be anxious to see it get finished, you are doing one hell of a job, and out of wood too. for me that much carpentry would just be a coronary orchard! :wings:


Reading through this I was thinking the same thing. I say post up your Paypal addy (or get one if you don't already have one) and those so inclined can donate for the cause. Personally I believe its worthwhile and any one of us could be in the same situation in a moments notice in the current economy, you're so close now its gotta keep going to the end! I'll kick in...

:victory: Teardrop Stimulus Package :victory:​

Do it!


Stomper, I am pretty damn impressed with your build. And you are right people are talking about it, I was over on POR and it was referenced in a thread there, it is actually what lead me to the site. I wound up joining because of your build.

Best of luck to you, I will be anxious to see it get finished, you are doing one hell of a job, and out of wood too. for me that much carpentry would just be a coronary orchard! :wings:

Thanks MrBeast... I appreciate it. You wouldn't happen to remember the thread it was referenced in would you?

Thanks again everyone... I'm applying for jobs so hopefully something comes up soon for me. I want to camp in it at least once this year :)



definately an impressive build... it gives me hope for my old utility trailer conversion that ive had on my pee little brain for a while:victory:

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