Been crazy around here lately! Good news, my crazy idea of selling the truck for a 4Runner for future family growth has paid off since we are now expecting a little one in October :av-7: Also been working on buying the fixter-upper house next door to be our own so fabbing will now be remodling for awhile...
Haven't had the runner out much lately just around town but as far as updates go I went down to my buddy's house to work on re-tuning the runner and found out the fuel trims were all over the board. The only thing he could come up with was a vacuum leak which was spot on, I had one out the back of the supercharger where the o-ring was toast. Found out that we could just rtv it so we sealed it up and went out tuning. This thing runs like a beast now, very responsive, more power, and the fuel trims are way down. With going to 265's, new 02 sensor, fix leak, and tuning I went from 12.5mpg around town to about 15mpg and that is all stop and go. Haven't gotten out for a good run up the pass yet but now when I hear people saying they are getting 17-20mpg I can see the light.