So, after some looking around, I have found this.
Similar miles, also black, also 6in fabtech lift (though not sure what kind/ quality yet), a 2007, and an F-150. Half the price.
To me, it seems to be a similar quality truck, right? I know Toyota has a reputation for high mileage/ reliability, but I have seen lots of reports of 250-300k F-150s of this era.
But it seems that F-150s sell for considerably less than Toyotas.
The KBB of this truck is pretty similar to the 2008 Tundra, I got 8-10.5k range for this F-150, with the Tundra at 10-12? However, the Tundras seem to be selling for at minimum a few thousand above that. Are Tundras of this era really higher quality than F-150s?
This F-150 seems to be a bit above KBB, (Facebook marketplace says 5.5 - 9, but that seems a bit low), but that is just the listing price.
I have ~16k cash and would prefer not to take a loan, though was considering a 5-6k loan potentially. If I could get this F-150 for ~10k, I'd have quite a bit leftover for potential repairs, service, or an offroad focused suspension upgrade. Would I be getting a significantly better truck if I shopped around more in the 15K range than 10k? Or could the extra cash be better used for customizing and maintaining a 10k rig?
Thanks for any ideas!