Opinions about Land Cruiser 200 ?


DBS311 said:
Seems like a pain though to have to open the bleed valves every time you want to jack the vehicle up to change a flat, rotate tires, etc. If you miss a step, then you are in to the dealer to have them reset the system??? As quoted by a tech on 'Mud "the procedure to level the vehicle is to locate the actual kdss pump, which, on australian models is under the floor pan, just behind the drivers' seat, ensure the vehicle is sitting on flat ground and crack the two bleed nipples on the pressure lines, this lets fluid move internally in the pump and allows everything to return to normal."

So 200 owners, make sure when changing something out in the field that you have a nice patch of flat, level ground.:xxrotflma

careful about making assumptions... best to stick to facts and reality. The GX470 has had KDSS option for several years now...


Is it the exact same set up as in the GX470? Serious question because I don't really know.

I'm basing my "assumptions" on those using the 200 in the field and on a tech from AU. I'm actually hoping I'm wrong because I can't imagine Toyota would set it up this way.

From what I'm reading, there is a process (like I mentioned above).


4Rescue said:



That truck LOOKS fantastic! I'll bet it's bump-stopped to the MAX which will kill it's articulation. Definately a show-only truck. Those tires need to go or the body needs to get cut up.


I'm all over the 200 Series. I think Mr. T learned from the shortcomings of the 100 Series. After all, it was Toyota's first attempt at a large 4x4 with IFS. The 200 Series is a lot beefier than it's predecesor. Plus it rides like a dream. If money was no object, this would be expedition rig.




alvarorb said:
I'm all over the 200 Series. I think Mr. T learned from the shortcomings of the 100 Series. After all, it was Toyota's first attempt at a large 4x4 with IFS. The 200 Series is a lot beefier than it's predecesor. Plus it rides like a dream. If money was no object, this would be expedition rig.



True to a point in my opinion.

Mr. T addressed many shortcomings of the 60 with the 80...
...then again improving many things in the 100 over the 80...
...and again with the 200 over the 100.

The issues are what was addressed and for what purpose. The 200 seems like a nice improvement in on-road ride and soft-core wheeling over the 100, no doubt. Some Expo travel is soft-core in nature. Some can be quite intense. Until I see:

315's without bumpstopped travel
4-inches lift minimum (to address the poor clearance and angles)
Longer travel suspension

....I personally will stick with what some other experts have said about the 200 over 100....the 200 is not the same type of beast as past Cruisers. Time will tell. It's early. I HOPE things become available and the 200-series shines in the LC heritage. UNTIL.....I cannot make statements about it being a superior Expo or Wheeler choice over the 100-series. Right now...it's not close.


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
ShottsCruisers said:
UNTIL.....I cannot make statements about it being a superior Expo or Wheeler choice over the 100-series. Right now...it's not close.
Shotts, with (honestly) all due respect this is the exact same conversation people were having with you when you were the advocate for 100 vs. 80 debate. Improvised:

People: "What? A Cruiser with IFS, no way can't get enough articulation"
Shotts: "Sure you can, I've done X & Y to mine, does pretty well."
People: "Bet you can't run Hells' Insanity on Wheels rated 7+ trail with your 100!"
Shotts: "Come on guys, 99% of what we do the 100 rocks and is better on the road getting there."

Is this generational discord?

I'd buy a Twundy in a heartbeat if I had the $. I don't foresee ever spending that kind of $ on a vehicle even if I did rake it in, but that is just I.

A few new-school comments for everyone:
  • 18" wheels are the next 16"s, 20s are the new 18s.
  • The 200 is the new 100, the 100 is new the 80, the 80 is the new 60 and the 60 is the new 55. The Pig is the new 45.
  • 75 aspect tires are the new 85.
  • Computers are here to stay. I don't like it either and I'm fairly well versed in their programming.
  • My children are better than I will ever be.
  • Family Guy has way surpassed Simpons in the funny scale.
Last edited:


pskhaat said:
Shotts, with (honestly) all due respect this is the exact same conversation people were having with you when you were the advocate for 100 vs. 80 debate. Improvised:

People: "What? A Cruiser with IFS, no way can't get enough articulation"
Shotts: "Sure you can, I've done X & Y to mine, does pretty well."
People: "Bet you can't run Hells' Insanity on Wheels rated 7+ trail with your 100!"
Shotts: "Come on guys, 99% of what we do the 100 rocks and is better on the road getting there."

Is this generational discord?

Sorry, you are not correct. My statements you refer to were made long after mod's were available and the 100-series proved it's stance in the wheeling community.

We are NOT there YET with the new LC. We may be and we may never be. So please read ALL my words before picking and choosing one's to comment on. Thanks.

For now, the only evidence we have between the two series is that for "harder core" Wheeling and more difficult Expo Wheeling, the 200 has some important disadvantages it must overcome....and it may overcome them...some day, and maybe soon, who knows. Right now...it has disadvantages (just like my 100 did in 2001 and 2002....you didn't hear me roar during this period did you?).


ShottsCruisers said:
....I personally will stick with what some other experts have said about the 200 over 100....the 200 is not the same type of beast as past Cruisers.

And why is that. What is it based on. Have you looked under one or are you basing this on a casual conversation you had with the experts after they drove it? Departure and approach angle is not everything.

Have you looked at the technical advances it has?

315's without bumpstopped travel
4-inches lift minimum (to address the poor clearance and angles)
Longer travel suspension

Why not fit 315's. You can't get 4" of lift or long travel out of the 100, so what is the difference. I would bet that the suspension options for the 200 is going to surpass the 100.

You should be all over a 200 with some channel iron bumpers. I am not sure why you don't want to embrace it. :D


pskhaat said:
People: "Bet you can't run Hells' Insanity on Wheels rated 7+ trail with your 100!"

I agree, the 200 is sweet in many ways. As a platform to build a expo rig, it would be fantastic. The orig poster has no cause for worry on this choice.

I think Andy is right, you will worry about scratches and stuff. but if you can get past that, it would be tough to find anything even close to the 200 in the market today to meet those needs.


pskhaat said:
Not even the venerable LC80 has this.
Sure it does, you just have to buy an early one. You can actually retrofit the 93.94 to the 91.92 controls fairly easily. Unfortunately after 94 it becomes a PITA to switch them to manual.


sleeoffroad said:
And why is that. What is it based on. Have you looked under one or are you basing this on a casual conversation you had with the experts after they drove it? Departure and approach angle is not everything.

Have you looked at the technical advances it has?

Why not fit 315's. You can't get 4" of lift or long travel out of the 100, so what is the difference. I would bet that the suspension options for the 200 is going to surpass the 100.

You should be all over a 200 with some channel iron bumpers. I am not sure why you don't want to embrace it. :D

***I can not speak about the conversations I've had with evaluators. You can techno-advance any vehicle you like though it cannot compensate for massive size. I think the 100 was at the VERY EDGE for harder-core trails. The 200 is even bigger and lower to the ground. Techno-advances don't make a capable trail rig. It takes more. RX400H? :)

***You can get 3" on the 100. The 200 is another inch lower and with worse angles and breakover. The 200 needs at least 4" to offer similar angles and clearance. And I hope you are right on future suspension choices though you once said you doubted tall lifts would be made for it. For now...there is no 4" lift. Until such things exist, are tested, and the vehicle performs to overcome it's huge size....I will not say it is the better Cruiser for heavy-duty wheeling.


ShottsCruisers said:
That truck LOOKS fantastic! I'll bet it's bump-stopped to the MAX which will kill it's articulation. Definately a show-only truck. Those tires need to go or the body needs to get cut up.

Take a look at what ArcticTrucks has done to solve some of the problems. My only problem, is it doesn't specify the amount of suspension lift...



JeepinBear said:
Take a look at what ArcticTrucks has done to solve some of the problems. My only problem, is it doesn't specify the amount of suspension lift...


Looks nice though for a zillion bucks almost anything is possible (ala Blee's SAS).

If Arctic Truck builds were the only option for 80-200 Series Cruisers we'd all be wheeling Wranglers. :yikes:


ShottsCruisers said:
Looks nice though for a zillion bucks almost anything is possible (ala Blee's SAS).

If Arctic Truck builds were the only option for 80-200 Series Cruisers we'd all be wheeling Wranglers. :yikes:

Jeez...I AM wheeling a Wrangler...ouch man...very ouch.

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