Land Cruiser LJ78 is similar mileage (more actually), and is flawless. Nearly every system in the early Land Rovers have a fatal flaw (their new vehicles excepted). This RRC has only 85,000 miles and has tons of little issues, everything from check engine lights to windows that don't work to doors that stick, to ABS/TC lights, to trim pieces, to the liftgate that required two hours to adjust correctly, etc. No way a Land Cruiser babied in the same way with the same miles would have those issues.
I have no interest in debating a glaringly obvious truth. I love Land Rovers, but do not see them through green colored glasses. It is a mistake to argue the reliability of these older Rovers. They are terrible- yet wonderful. Accept them for what they are and the work and attention they require. They are better than Land Cruisers in many ways, but fit, finish, reliability and component quality is not one of them. . . To argue reliability of early Land Rovers is to miss the entire point of the car to begin with. It is their charm and flaws that make the effort worthwhile.
I will get this one perfect and maintain it with vigilance. It has worked with my Discovery, which has proven to be extremely reliable with near-constant predictive and preventative maintenance. I change the fuel pump every 30,000 miles and carry a spare, including the entire wiring harness. I don't even know where the fuel pump on the Land Cruiser IS!