Overland Journal testing Sand Mats/Ladders


Expedition Leader
i think the tests will show bridging ladders to be the obvious choice for all around effectiveness and multi use. the only real downside is cost and space to stow but to only carry one type, bridging.

in my case i will most likely never buy a set of ladders, just dont need them, ladders to me are a time saving device that dont really merit what it takes to haul them, however for a traveler i can really see the advantage to them.


We have just completed the testing, and have put the winter issue to the printer.

Here is a little video to add to the discussion. Does this change you mind at all?

HD Video (51mb)

Looks like the waffleboard doesn't have as much traction as you'd think. Is it because it's full of sand, which doesn't offer much resistance to the sand underneath?

Scott Brady

Yeah :D

Interestingly, we did try many "mat" style traction devices, and found that none could perform, even modestly. We tried carpet, rollable sand mats, etc.


Expedition Leader
I had to use pieces of 2x10 lumber, with shingles inserted between the tire and wood as a tractionizer, to dig myself out of deep snow. It worked surprisingly well. :)


I look forward to reading the results. I was on a trip a few years ago in the eastern cascades and spent 4 hours winching a group of vehicles through dry silt. I think that would have been cut down to 30 minutes with some sort of ladder / mat.


Oh man... now I'm REALLY looking forward to the winter edition's arrival...

Couldn't help but feel bad for the Sandmat and Pillows... neither looked too impressive.

The maxtrax seemed to work much better than I had imagined for bridging... I was expecting more deformation. They moved up my mental list because of that video. I'm now thinking they may be the winners if things like space, weight & cost are taken into account.

Curious, did you examine their capability in mud and snow in addition to sand?

Scott Brady

We did not do any testing in mud or snow. Obviously, any serious endeavor in those conditions requires a winch, so the ladders would function primarily as flotation and structure. I believe the MaxTrax would be quite effective in mud and snow.

The MaxTrax, SandMats and Sand Tracks were all doubled-up for bridging, as none are recommended or warranted for that function, but we tested them anyways ;)


Wow that video made the pillows look just about how I imagined they would...not perform.

That video was a nice teaser Scott, the fact you did not have any snow and mud to test on might have actually helped some of the products look better I would guess.

There are some places that a good bridging ladder would help on wet muddy rocks for sure. In snow I still think the Pillows would be taking your life in your hands trying to use them.


Likes to Drive and Ride
Just watched the video...

LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We did not do any testing in mud or snow. Obviously, any serious endeavor in those conditions requires a winch, so the ladders would function primarily as flotation and structure. I believe the MaxTrax would be quite effective in mud and snow.

The MaxTrax, SandMats and Sand Tracks were all doubled-up for bridging, as none are recommended or warranted for that function, but we tested them anyways ;)

By the way, Scott, the video has had the intended effect: I'll be subscribing finally :)


Great video Scott!

One part that got to me was when you were using the fiberglass waffle ladder as a bridging ladder. I kept listening to the crack & popping sounds it was making as you drove over the gap. I couldn't help but think that those sounds were internal structural micro failures and found myself wondering how many times you could use them as a bridging ladder before catastrophic structural failure.

Looking at the video left me thinking that my choice of Mantec bridging ladders was a good choice. I like the way the edges dig into the sand keep to the ladder in place where others slipped. My only problem is that they are bulky to carry.

Good Job!

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