Overland Van Build, GMC Savana


This shows the install of the celing, this is 3/4 inch board with a marine coating. Much space is used in my garage for such a small project with both the insulation and boards taking the room. may 5 14 286.JPGmay 5 14 283.JPGmay 5 14 284.JPG


The ceiling turned out great and was a good choice, wiring was done during the install for lights and fan. Total cost $64 this was a great cost for our budget build.may 5 14 301.JPGmay 5 14 302.JPG
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Boxing in the whinch

In keeping with the low budget theme I am boxing in the whinch with a simple sheet metal approach, it is closing up the bumper to body area nicely. There will be a rubber cover over the balance of this opening to give is a completed look. ATTACH=CONFIG]226506[/ATTACH]


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Adding new shoes (Tires)

I have been watching and posting wanted ads to craigslist looking for wheels and tires with no luck. We had planned our first outing with the van and tires were greatly needed, I had a few calls but looking at what was being sold as "In Great Shape" were 5-7 year old tires with some rot showing. Looking for pricing on tires I found a coupon for Firestone, buy there get one FREE! Found a gret set with a Class E rating for long road travel, low road noise and they would give we 25% off the 5th tire, I was sold at just a little over $600 mounted and balanced. Our test trip was just over 2,200 miles and the tires were a great investment. To some $600 maybe a little on the low side, but I am staying in that Low Budgeted build and hope have a great travel van.may 5 14 289.JPGmay 5 14 288.JPG


Branding the Van

Some want to keep the fact that their van is a camper, we don't mind if ours look like a camper. We found these and in support of the site branded the van and made it more camper than not. As some drive there vans as a second auto or back up ours is just a camper van for road trips. These badges did bring questions on overland travel and open the door for new friends along the way,may 5 14 291.JPGmay 5 14 292.JPGmay 5 14 290.JPGmay 5 14 294.JPG


New GPS Installed

van 042.JPGvan 032.JPGvan 043.JPG
Some may have smart phones or other type of service to "Find Their Way" we on the other hand enjoy the untraveled way and even get lost in the process, I'm still staying true to my self imposed $4,000 budget for this build, just to see if this mode of travel is for most. The dash mount compass just a cost of $12, the maps, a set of 15 for all of Michigan, Free! we have a friend that has a member ship in AAA, the name of the map maker is Johnson. These are great maps showing almost all back roads even on Federal and State land. If you got the chance check and see if your AAA club carry's them.


van 040.JPGvan 033.JPGvan 034.JPG
Upgrading the cabin lighting to LED, just about $45 in cost but 3 times the light and 25% of the battery draw, well worth the money.


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These photo's show the start of our build in's, you will note the oven for toasting and the microwave, the other item in this grouping is a DVD player, the TV is attached to a swing out arm, nice touch for a rainy day. The cupboards are 1/4 inch plywood with 1x2 framing with 1/2 plywood on top for added support in travel, the outside shows added support rings on the screws tying into the framing. We tried this frame-1/4 plywood on two trips out, lots of back roads and just over 3,000 miles all held together with no noise such as squeaks, we will now trip and complete them.


Great Snake!

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Traveling the back roads on our 1st Van Trip just over 2,200 miles and eight nights, this is Hank Williams Homestead and a Corn Snake came out to greet us, small train town as well as the beach at Panama Beach Fl. I'll post our camp trip in the other Forum showing the camp.


Third Try!

What a little time in the van tells ya, you can not only see your mistakes but feel them as well, This is a n update of the third time for us and by far a better choice of space use. Our last trip and talking to another build of a camper I found that I miss understood how to new van 006.JPGstore in small space, I think I got it this time! Trying to keep the budget build so that all that wants can enjoy this travel style I'm trying not to waste anything as well as low cost. I threw out the bed frame and gave it to a scraper, the best $120 I threw away! I'm hopeful that as I built no one purchased the frame from Ikea as we did, the rest of the bed is working well and are assets to the build.


Toss the money!

new van 017.JPGnew van 018.JPGnew van 004.JPG After removing much of the van's interior it let's me change to a new way of laying out where as nothing ever needs to be opened, the bed as a large item if you needed something under it all need to get up and for the most part out of the van. This was a waste of space and restricted the use and movement of the van travelers. Ready kisses *** in the middle of the night with the mo-skids bitting and your trying to keep the peace with the lady traveler as she looks for WHAT A FLASHLIGHT! Come on you know the one, the little one that's brighter!, Past the beer!


new van 004.JPGnew van 009.JPGnew van 017.JPGnew van 016.JPGHere you see some of the new think with a lot of the space access always opened & a big change with all of the "Open Space" in the van located in the front of the bed where with the old lay outs the space was part behind the bed as well as in front, this is a big change in the use area of the van' well worth noting for a new-bie as myself.


Build for the road!

new van 012.JPGnew van 008.JPGnew van 009.JPG When looking closely you will note bracing and other types screws and air staples to hold the unit together for many' many' many miles we hope!

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