On the way home, I stopped to get gas for the last leg home, and my heater control valve decided to give up, spewing coolant all over the place.
Luckily I was only a mile from an O'Reilly Auto Parts. I called them and not only did they have the part, but the Manager named Brian Reed picked me up and drove me to his store and back to buy merely $30 worth of parts. Now THAT is excellent customer service!

I gave him $20 for his generosity!
Moving along, I also picked up a spare NP231 Transfer case for a song.
The plan is to rebuild it and also do an SYE with an XJ front driveshaft in the rear. That way, I can use a stock double cardon and if I ever break the rear shaft off-road and can't fix it, I can swap the front in to get me home, considering I don't have to have it either lengthened or shortened.
I just started a new job recently, so I've now got access to a lift and shop 24/7.
A week didn't go by and the XJ already started getting some love.
I had a slight gas smell coming from the engine, so I decided to do all new fuel injector o-rings to reduce the risk of a fire....
I also finally got around to treating all of the panels that were welded in to the rear hatch and floorboard area.
I used POR-15, which I've heard nothing but good things about for the past 17yrs that I've been involved in the Off-road community.
At $32/pint, it damn well better be good!!! Apparently it seals metal completely and doesn't allow rust in again, ever! According to all of the reviews and friends within the off-road community that have used it, this stuff really works. I personally think it'll be a better option than all of the horror stories that I've read about people doing bedliner on their interior, and somehow over time a pinhole in the liner leaked enough water in to cause rust. I've personally seen this happen on a lot of pickup beds.
I used a wire wheel to prep the rusty areas. It says on the POR-15 container that you can just paint right over rust, but I really don't think that's a good idea.