Well I came to a point in my life where I needed a 4x4 vehicle and a backseat, I used to own a 2000 Isuzu Rodeo around 10 years ago and loved it, unfortunately it got totaled at some point so RIP. Anyway even though I loved it and it was really reliable and gas mileage was good, I was not able to find one 4x4 and in the condition I would have liked. So I started looking for other options, at some point I was set on a trooper, but then I heard about Montero's having a third row seat, plus better transmission (I did have the faulty transmission issue with my Rodeo but it was just a seal, easy to change), better engine in my opinion, but I was thorn between the gen 2 and 2.5, eventually I found this. :smiley_drive:
More updates to come.

More updates to come.