T. Low, I was going to refer to it as The Mighty Huron as its what we all called it too, but I wasnt sure if anyone other than a Michigander would know what I was talking about :victory:
I know the area you're talking about with the rapids, although I've never paddled that section because I'm not as familiar with White Water as I am with longer expedition style of paddling
As for getting out more, You're right, I need to log some more miles in the Saddle:sombrero:
I've been doing some extensive research on the Missouri the past few months. I'm trying to figure out how long and if it's do-able for me to paddle the entire thing in one stretch, not over a few summers like most do it. I know I'd be up for it, but I'm trying to talk the wifey into it if you know what I mean. She's not too keen about living out a tent for months at a time with 20-40 mile paddle days, everyday...I cant figure out whats wrong with her:coffeedrink: