is that you were able to hover in place at the top of that aerial antenna?
No hovering involved. I was standing close to the top of the ladder and I had a belt around me and the ladder for safety.
The ladder in the pano turned out like that since I wasn't able to keep my camera consistent while rotating around the ladder.
180 degree view up and down for 360 degrees. Impressive but how did you do it? interesting software...
Microsoft has a software package called ICE, Image Composite Editor (check it out
Simply take overlapping images, drag them into ICE and wait. It will stitch them together and then upload them to your Photosynth account and/or export a single pano image. Sometimes it doesn't work so well, sometimes it surprises you.
Wow, that's very cool technology. Nicely done. :victory:
Thanks, this was my most successful one to date. Even if there are some poor transitions if you zoom in real close.