I have a tendancy to go over board with my panos, the last one I did was of the Grand Canyon and was 12 shots stitched. Makes it hard to view the whole thing at once on anything but print. It's pretty, but it is big.
Here's one I took after several days of freezing fog coated every tree with frost.
This was as I recall 8 shots at 50mm, and needed some editing to remove a power line that ran across the entire scene.
Here is a pic I took last weekend near Fairplay, CO. My wife and I spent the weekend at my parents cabin and on the way home came across this beautiful view. I had to break out the tripod for a few shots. It is a 3 shot pano, with Nikon D7000 and Tamron 17-50 2.8 lens, set to 17mm. I Merged it in photoshop, then back to Aperture for color and curves correction. This is my first pano and I think I might be hooked, I love this shot.
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