Pass-through really necessary?


As this supposedly is a worldwide forum, it should be understood that many people are travelling outside the US and don’t carry firearms. So bringing in the topic of firearms or being armed into a discussion about a pass through doesn‘t make any sense. Unless the topic is about travelling through the United States and the importance of a pass through.


Active member
Thank you. I appreciate the robust discussion, but this thread really isn't about firearms. I'm also extremely uninterested in non-Americans calling all of us trigger-happy idiots, or in back-handed compliments like Nathane's, who condescended to admit that most of us seem "fairly normal." How gracious.

Please stay on topic.
;) ;)


Well-known member
As this supposedly is a worldwide forum, it should be understood that many people are travelling outside the US and don’t carry firearms. So bringing in the topic of firearms or being armed into a discussion about a pass through doesn‘t make any sense. Unless the topic is about travelling through the United States and the importance of a pass through.

As this is a worldwide forum, it should be understood that the U.S. is part of the world, so excluding the topic of firearms or being armed as it relates to the subject of this thread, doesn't make any sense... ;)


Officious Intermeddler
LOL, seems it may not be possible to keep this thread on topic...

Yeah, well, of course it’s pretty known that once you bring out the guns, you’re bound to get some unpredictable *ricochets! ?

(*euphemism for off thread comments.)
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Tea pot tester
Our last bigish camper had a crawl thru behind the passenger seat meaning that seat would have to rotate to get at it. There was a sliding metal door for security and a flexy coupling joining cab with camper across about the 10" gap. Never used, too much hassle. But as mentioned above to park for the night would involve getting out, turning on the lpg, checking the oil, walking around finding the best view or flattest spot pretty much regardless of the weather.
And the air pressure would drop over a day or two so some engine running was needed to be able to drive off. Air parking brakes need pressure to release not engage.
You could get rid of every little leak on your air system but that won't stop someone cutting a line or something similar?
Our new biggish truck has a long crawl through which when it's finished might be where our boxer dog travels if he decides to use it. The cab end of it is open, the camper end has a flexy and the same type of door the rest of the camper has. It may get used but for the same reasons as before it probably won't. Heat, cold or dust from the cab won't be appreciated in the back so the door will be locked shut when we roll.
We have windows all around the dinette at the camper front because the cab is lower than the camper by enough to do that just.
If we had a walk through as Joe917 describes that would be very nice, and we've had a few van based campers with that level of openness, but even considering the few places we've parked that were not as safe as they could have been I still don't think one is essential?
And the flexy bit is irrelevant, just a door on each side is perhaps all that's needed unless you want it open to the back all the time? Just how frequently do you need a fresh coffee passed to you? :)
Putting a box on a truck doesn't need to be $400000 surely?


As this is a worldwide forum, it should be understood that the U.S. is part of the world, so excluding the topic of firearms or being armed as it relates to the subject of this thread, doesn't make any sense... ;)
Yes, you have a point. Just be aware that the majority of the world and the world’s population will never be under the circumstances you are in And never carry a gun And thus someone considering a pass through for worldwide travel will think differently about the subject. If the poster is considering that. He may be a Brit, Ausi or a Tansanian. Who knows.
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Back to the original question, something that I have asked before on this subject and with the long term travel I have done in a expedition truck in Mexico. I have found no use to have a pass through myself. What I have heard from other travellers was the same. They have never heard of others using the pass through to get away from an Uncomfortable situation quickly. The only thing I heard was someone in Africa had to use the pass through since lions or another type of animal with big teeth was blocking the door to the cabin. I never have felt uncomfortable with the fact I couldn’t access the cab quickly. Ever. I guess if I had to I would open the door with all “Guns” blazing. Lol


I want to add that the majority of the human population live in fear. They make up stories in their own minds and feel that there is an attacker hiding behind every bush. It is prudent to consider your situation and area with caution but being over cautious generally leads to creating a personal hell for yourself. 99.99 percent of the time the story in your head never happens and all it creates is a sleepless night for yourself. Talking to the local police usually gives us an idea of the area and also has had them watch us and our area to protect us. There was one time I was in an area of the Baja one Evening when a truck near us stayed too long. I told my girlfriend I was uncomfortable with that and we moved to an area which was recommended in the iOverlander app. We were watched a movie in the back at the new place and I felt some movement and heard a noise out front. I got out to hear a couple of people running away through the bushes after trying to steal the bicycles from the front of the truck. We moved again this time to a well lit 24 hour gas station And spent the night there. The next day we left Guerro negro


Well-known member
I wasn't sure where to post this, so it's fine if the moderators want to move it.

Anyway, how important is a pass-through from the camper to the cab? I've heard people say they like it for safety reasons because it lets them drive away quickly without getting out of the vehicle. However, when would a situation like that actually happen? It seems to me that if you're camped in a dodgy area and someone appears outside your vehicle with a gun, you aren't going anywhere until you give them what they want, pass-through or not. I suppose a bear or other apex predator could theoretically be waiting outside your teardrop, slide-in camper, etc., waiting to pounce on you in the 30 seconds it takes to walk to the cab. However, having a pass-through limits the types of vehicles you can use, and many of them are more expensive than other options. Has anyone ever had an experience where their pass-though saved them from certain death or something?
Would you be willing to tell us where you are thinking of travelling, and what types of vehicles/trailers you might be considering? Some good ideas have been posted, and I would like to see what ideas the other forum members come up with in regard to the vehicle(s) you are considering. This thread might also be very useful to anyone else searching for answers.


Would you be willing to tell us where you are thinking of travelling, and what types of vehicles/trailers you might be considering? Some good ideas have been posted, and I would like to see what ideas the other forum members come up with in regard to the vehicle(s) you are considering. This thread might also be very useful to anyone else searching for answers.

I would love to travel through Asia and Africa. The reason I asked the question is that it seems like towing a caravan gives you much more living space for your $$ than an integrated overland camper, as we're calling them now. Plus I don't have $400K+ for one of those, and I don't want a camper van. That leaves a caravan like a Bruder EXP-6 or nice tent trailer like a Patriot X3. I'm fine with towing and the limitations that come with it. So for me, the main downside of a caravan is the lack of a pass-through.


I would love to travel through Asia and Africa. The reason I asked the question is that it seems like towing a caravan gives you much more living space for your $$ than an integrated overland camper, as we're calling them now. Plus I don't have $400K+ for one of those, and I don't want a camper van. That leaves a caravan like a Bruder EXP-6 or nice tent trailer like a Patriot X3. I'm fine with towing and the limitations that come with it. So for me, the main downside of a caravan is the lack of a pass-through.
The downside with pulling a trailer is that you could be in a situation where you will have difficulty turning around. I pulled a military trailer behind my expedition truck at one point. I sold it after i had to release the trailer and turn it around two times. At 2500 pounds I sold it and went with plan B..


As this is a worldwide forum, it should be understood that the U.S. is part of the world, so excluding the topic of firearms or being armed as it relates to the subject of this thread, doesn't make any sense... ;)
Can’t remember. Haven’t seen it in enough of your posts. Tell us again how awesome you are. Retired cop, fashion model for some elite motorcycle club, top 1% mechanic,
Master of all trades. Expert motorcycle rider or whatever.

I can appreciate your credentials, but quit cramming it down our throats. You’re not the only person who’s been there and done that.


Well, this is off topic but it could be entertaining anyway... :)
Yea, sorry. Just getting old when some guy tells us how awesome he is in every thread.

I have a van so I have a huge pass through. I couldn’t do it any other way after having it.
My one oh crap story comes from Kaibob National Forest I think. Woke up to a bear rocking my 10,000 lb van from the driver side door. Still sport the claw marks.

Tried the usual scare tactics with no luck. Eventually just drove away. I was happy I didn’t have to exit the vehicle.

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