FWIW, I've had both both Pelican and Zarges cases. I prefer the Zarges cases for overland duty. (The Pelicans are now used in the garage for storage – mainly - I should probably sell them.) Don't get me wrong, if i was carrying the cases on the roof and expected I might roll the truck down a hill into a stream, I'd go with the Pelican cases 'cause they seem bulletproof; however, this isn't usually the case (pun intended). For our brand of overland travel, I like the Zarges cases because they are rain tight, sturdy, dust and bug proof, and sized perfectly (14" x 22") for our needs. I have the k470 boxes in three different heights (9”, 12”, and 15) with each serving a different function. Since I’m lazy, I appreciate the fact that they very lightweight (unlike the pelicans) and sized just right so I can get others to move them about. When stacked up and strapped down, they are solid as a rock. The only complaints are: they cost a bomb, are a little noisy ('cause they are aluminum), and are easily dented/scratched (also 'cause they are aluminum). Hmmm, come to think of it, these are the same problems I have with the land rover.