I actually have those pieces but have been holding out for some better ones. I'm also still on the look out for the bolt on moulding on the back half of the cab behind the doors.
Well had another snafu this weekend. The Old mans truck ended up rolling over his board he was using for a wheel chock. lLong story short I now have a smashed pass side fender.
Well a decent fender has been aquired, Just got to fix a few minor imperfections ad squirts some paint on it then it will be on. hopefully before this weekend I miss driving it
Why yes those are Redwings, 2270s to be exact. Best damn pair of work boots I've ever bought.
on another note the toolbox will have a new pair of lift cylinders on it today. And I need to find a few tool boxes for my strap and receivers so this box will be a little more organized. Also need to fab up a hitch carrier for the front so I can hang this box out front when I got the gypsy wagon on the back.
Went on another little trip this weekend to KC to watch the up race with the old man, my Bro in law and my nephew. This was my 1st Cup race and holy moly what an experiance. I think If I go again I will stick the camper in the back and make a weekend out of it. lots of great people there.
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